
The CYC would like to share these environmental minded activities with our families during the covid-19 quarantine.

June 8- 12, 2020 - Electricity! Our last edition of CyberGreen for this school year will focus on saving energy.

Here are some other resources for summer activities put together by CYC teachers!


Turn off the Lights!

Ms Wiest's electric bill grew! Learn how electricity gets to your house and how you can conserve it.

Save Energy.mp4

Save Energy Signs!

Let's make signs to remind us to turn off the lights!

All About Energy

Learn more about where energy comes from and how you can save it through these drawings.

Oscar and the Bird

Read Oscar and the Bird by Geoff Waring with Asher



Play Nasa's Climate Kids Bingo next time you are out!

Conservation Starts With You

Catchy tune with good ideas for conserving energy. Talk about what conservation is with your child.

Learn about Circuits

Electricity runs on a path called a circuit. See how this works with a flashlight using a battery as a power source.

See How to Make a Circuit

If you have the materials a grown up may be able to help you create your own electric circuit! You could use a light bulb instead of a watch.

June 1- 5, 2020 - Let's look at dirt! Some of the questions we will explore this week are; what kind of living things can you find in the soil or under a log or stone, how is soil made, and what can you compost?

Under a Log

What kind of animals live in an "under a log" habitat? Have you ever turned over a log or stone to see what lives underneath?

Play With Mud

Get yucky and make a mud painting!

Worms and Compost

Sing a song about compost and what you can put in it with Ms. Wiest and take a look at her compost pile.

Make a Small Composter

Make your own composter with an old 2 liter bottle. Not all bacteria is bad!

May 19 Things That Are Alive.mp4

Under a Rock

Look around Ms. Person's garden for things that are alive. What kinds of things are alive in your area?

Learn About Worms

What is an earthworm's saddle?

What is Dirt?

What is organic matter and humus? Find out about the layers of dirt.

Roly Polys

Learn more about Roly Polys, the little bugs you find in the dirt under rocks and logs. Here is a link to make a roly poly habitat.

Roly Poly Directions

Did you find a Roly Poly under a rock? Sing and act out this Roly Poly song with these children.

Above - Joel and Jean-Marie color the Earth and practice reading!

Left - Growing vegetables in the dirt - Enjoy these photos of vegetables that were grown in the CYC garden.

Web Developers - Vera Wiest and Katie McAllister