Trees and Seeds

April 13 - 17 , 2020

With Arbor Day coming up next week, we have dedicated this week's activities to TREES!

We are asking everyone to please send drawing or pictures of trees to your teachers for our tree slideshow. This will be featured next week on the UMD Arboretum and Botanical Garden Facebook page.

Let's follow along with Mr. M and sing "This is My Trunk"!

Why do we need trees?

Explore why trees are important with the CYC kids.

Why Trees.mp4

Stick Letters!

Make Letters with sticks! Can you make your name?


See how many you can find!


Do this apple tree action rhyme with Ms. Wiest!

Play Tree Basketball with a tree!

April 6 - April 10, 2020

This week we will focus on seeds. We will find out where you can find seeds, do an experiment on germinating seeds , read a book about seeds, and do some other activities involving seeds. Look for a new theme each week!

Listen to this informational book to learn more about seeds.

Find out what seeds are and where to find them with Mrs. Wiest.

Let's do Yoga to "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle!

This dad and his son show us how to grow a bean plant in a jar.

Story Time "Splat the Cat Oopsie-Daisy".mp4

Let's read, with Ms. McAllister, "Splat the Cat Oopsie-Daisy" by Rob Scotton

A friend, from CYC, made a Terrarium during his stay home days!
A Terrarium is collection of small plants growing in a transparent, sealed container.
His family made a hypothesis chart. They are predicting how many days till they see the first sprout and if the plants will touch the top of the container!
Wow! It looks like it took 3 days for the plant to sprout!
Do you think the plant will touch the top of the container?