Steps to Certify:

Get approval from your office or department head, confirm your office's Green Office representative, and complete a registration form.

2. Training

The GO Rep attends a training session to understand sustainable practices and how to implement them into the office.

3. Pledge

The head of the office and GO Rep involves the office in committing to the Green Office Program, and all sign and display a pledge poster.

Select actions from a checklist, receive guidelines, resources, and tools to help the office go green. Start at Bronze, then advance through Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

The GO Rep schedules a time for a Green Office Intern to visit the office, learn about the progress made, and gather feedback.

Select a sustainably framed certificate and display it proudly! You'll be on the website, newsletter, and acknowledged at the GO luncheon!


Certification lasts one year. After one year please recertify at the same level or submit a checklist for the next level of certification following.