Step 1: Register

Green Office Representative:

Determine which staff person from the office will serve as the Green Office representative (GO Rep). The GO Rep doesn’t need to be an expert in sustainability, but someone who enjoys rallying co-workers to reach a common goal. The rep will dedicate approximately 4 hours per month in order to implement the checklist and achieve Green Office Certification. Include the Rep's name and email in the registration form. Go Rep's participation must be supported by their dean, director or department head.

GO Reps receive:

      • One hour Training Session

      • A ready-to-deliver sustainability program

      • Free incentives and tools for your office

      • Ongoing support and assistance

      • Monthly UMD Green Office Program Newsletter

      • GO Reps discussion group: a community of practice for GO Reps

Optional Pre-Consultation:

We will identify the baseline, or starting point, of sustainable practices in your office. After each year, each office will receive another consultation in order to track progress through the program. The GO Rep should contact to schedule an consultation with this year's Green Office Intern!
