Campus Life

Directory ID and Email Account

The Directory ID and password provides access to most of the online resources for the university community. These include services such as course registration, library services, financial account information, and exam schedules. Students can set up their Directory ID and password by visiting the Division of Information Technology (DIT). 

International Students: You may be asked to provide your SID number to set up your Directory ID. The SID number is separate from your UID number. Your SID is located in your Admissions Letter and the Enrollment Form in your TerpEngage Application


Once you have established your university email account, please add yourself to the ENTS Student Listserv by emailing with the message "subscribe ents-students <Your Name>" in the body of the email. All important announcements and deadlines are sent to students through this listserv. You are responsible for the information that is sent. 

University ID Card

Once you arrive on campus, you can get your Student ID Card from the first floor in the Mitchell Building. They are open Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. You must be registered for at least one class before you can obtain your ID card! Bring your student ID to all ENTS Orientation sessions and the placement exams. 


All students are required to complete the Immunization Form to attend the University of Maryland. Make sure to include your UID on the form. International students should also follow the additional requirements. Immunization appointments can be scheduled at the University Health Center. 

Campus Map

Explore the University of Maryland campus with the interactive map!

Tuition, Fees, and Billing

The Master's in Telecommunications Program has a non-standard tuition. Tuition for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semester is $1230.50 per credit. The tuition rate is the same for all students, regardless of residency or citizenship.

The University also charges mandatory fees for all graduate students. The fee schedule is set according to to the number of credits registered. For the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semester, mandatory fees are $331.50 for 1-8 credits and $641.50 for 9-12 credits. 

Payment due dates depend on when you register for classes. Students should refer to the Bursar Office for official due dates, billing, and payment information. Students are urged to regularly check their Student Account.

If you have questions about your tuition fees and payment, please contact the Bursar's Office directly.

Parking and Transportation

The Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) addresses commuter, transit, green commuting, biking, and parking needs of the campus community. DOTS coordinates availability of campus parking facilities by allotting parking permits. It also operates numerous commuter shuttles throughout the surrounding communities.

Academic Calendars

The Provost's Office provides academic calendars for past and upcoming semesters.