Graduate Domestic Fellowships

The following fellowships provide funding for graduate-level study and research within the United States.

Please note: fellowship titles written in blue are available to international students. Fellowship titles written in black are available to US citizens only. Undocumented, DACA, US National, and Green Card eligibility is noted for fellowships that specifically state it in their guidelines. If Undocumented, DACA, US National, or Green Card eligibility is not explicitly stated in this database, that does not necessarily mean you are ineligible. Please check fellowship websites for more specific eligibility guidelines.

Unless otherwise noted, please reach out to for more information.

American Association for University Women Fellowships

The American Association for University Women provides funding for women that are pursuing graduate degrees in the United States (though a select few fellowships are available for study abroad, so long as the study is not conducted in the applicant's home country). Recipients of this award are expected to complete graduate study and then return to their home countries to become leaders in business, government, academia, community activism, the arts or scientific fields. Campus deadlines for this fellowship are in mid-October, and national deadlines are typically in mid-November.

This fellowship is open to US students and International students.

Click here for more information of the fellowships offered by the American Association for University Women.

American Nuclear Society Fellowships

The American Nuclear Society regularly awards funding to students enrolled in a course of study relating to a degree in nuclear science, nuclear engineering, or a nuclear related field. This fellowship is open to US and International students, so long as they fulfill the class requirement. Campus deadlines are typically in early January or early March, and national deadlines are typically in early February or April, depending on the desired scholarship.

This fellowship is open to international students.

Click this link for more information on fellowships offered by the American Nuclear Society.

American Scandinavian Society Fellowships

The American Scandinavian Society offers fellowships to students that are citizens of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark that wish to conduct graduate-level study in the United States. Fellowships are awarded in all fields, so it is up to the student to check the website to determine which award is right for them. Campus deadlines are typically in early March, and national deadlines are typically in early April.

This fellowship is only open to citizens of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark.

Click this link to learn more about the fellowships offered by the American Scandinavian Society.

Asian Cultural Council Fellowships

The Asian Cultural Council offers fellowships to graduate students from ADB Developing Member Countries that wish to study in the United States in the following fields: economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields. Upon completion of the program, scholars are expected to contribute to the social and economic development of their home countries. Deadlines vary depending on the desired fellowship, so it is up to the student to determine which fellowship is right for them and what the national deadline will be.

The Asian Cultural Council Fellowships are open to citizens of the following countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Niue, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, and Vietnam.

Click this link for more information on fellowships offered by the Asian Cultural Council.

Belgian-American Education Fund (Belgian Nationals Only)

The Belgian-American Education Fund provides scholarships and fellowships for Belgian nationals complete graduate-level studies and research in the United States. Awards are for all fields of study and research. The BAEF offers different fellowships depending on the funding desired, so it is up to the student to determine which fellowship is right for them. National deadlines are typically in late October, and campus deadlines are typically in late September.

Fellowships offered by the Belgian-American Education Fund for study within the United States are only open to Belgian nationals.

Click this link for more information about fellowships offered by the Belgian American Education Fund.

Charles Rangel Graduate Fellowship

The Charles Rangel Graduate Fellowship offers funding for students looking to enroll in a masters program relevant to foreign affairs. Students should be recent college graduates, or already have a bachelor's degree and are anticipating enrolling in a relevant master's degree program. National deadlines for the Rangel Fellowship are typically in mid-September, and campus deadlines are typically in mid-August.

Click this link for more information on the Charles Rangel Graduate Fellowship.

Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program

The Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program is a full-time hands-on training and educational program that provides early career individuals with the opportunity to spend 12 weeks at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Washington, DC learning about science and technology policy and the role that scientists and engineers play in advising the nation. Eligible applicants will have been awarded a professional or graduate degree in the past five years. The national deadline for this fellowship is typically in late May, and the campus deadline is typically in late April.

International students are welcome to apply for this fellowship, so long as they have the appropriate visa to do so (this includes DACA recipients). The fellowship program does NOT sponsor visas.

Click this link to learn more about the Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program.

Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund (DACA and Green Card Eligible)

The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides up to $15,000 of funding annually to graduate students that are involved in movements contributing to social change, and demonstrate financial need. Students must be enrolled at an accredited four-year institution, and must be active participants in an activism initiative. Funds can be used for general education expenses. The national deadline for the Davis-Putter scholarship is generally in early April, and the campus deadline is generally in early March.

International students are welcome to apply, so long as they are participating in activism within the US.

Click this link to learn more about the Davis-Putter Scholarship.

Echoing Green Foundation Fellowship

The Echoing Green Foundation Fellowship provides seed funding and support to more than 450 social entrepreneurs with bold ideas for social change in order to launch groundbreaking organizations around the world. The fellowship awards a stipend of $60,000 for individuals, or $90,000 for 2-person partnerships, in four equal installments over the course of two years. Applicants must demonstrate sufficient English fluency. The application cycle typically opens up in April, and the national deadlines are typically in late October through November.

The Echoing Green Fellowship is open to international applicants, so long as they are the primary decision maker for their organization.

Click this link to learn more about the Echoing Green Foundation Fellowship.

Finnish Cultural Foundation Fellowships

The Finnish Cultural Foundation Fellowships seek to promote and develop cultural and economic life in Finland by providing grants to individuals and groups working in the sciences and the arts, and to people and organizations in other fields of intellectual and cultural endeavor. Grants are awarded annually from the Foundation's Central Fund and 17 Regional Funds, as well as various donor funds. Deadlines are variable, so it is up to the applicant to determine which of the four quarterly deadlines is right for them.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation gives preference to Finnish Nationals, however anyone is welcome to apply given they can prove that their work serves to demonstrate strong ties to Finnish culture.

Click this link to learn more about grants offered by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Tags: Finland, Finnish, International Applicants, Grants, Undergraduate, Graduate

Hayek Fund For Scholars

The Hayek Fund for Scholars is a fellowship opportunity funded by the Institute for Humane Studies that provides funding for graduate students looking to pursue a career in academia in the field of humane studies. This grant can be used to cover PhD application fees, research assistants, travel costs, conference fees, and other career-related expenses. The Hayek Fund accepts applications on a rolling basis.

The Hayek Fund for Scholars is open to international applicants.

Click this link for more information on the Hayek Fund For Scholars.

Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowships

The Herbert Scoville Jr. Fellowship provides recent college graduates, as well as graduate students, with the opportunity to work for 6-9 months in Washington DC with a participating organization while receiving a stipend. Undergraduate students are welcome to apply, so long as they graduate before the beginning of the program. Prospective Fellows are expected to demonstrate excellent academic accomplishments and a strong interest in issues of peace and security. Graduate study, a college major, course work, or substantial independent reading that reflects the substantive focus of the fellowship is also a plus. Prior experience with public-interest activism or advocacy is highly desirable. National deadlines are generally in early October or early January, and campus deadlines are generally in early September or early December.

The Scoville Peace Fellowship accepts applications from international applicants, so long as they are living in the United States and can obtain the appropriate visa.

Click this link to learn more about the Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship.

Tags: Washington DC, Undergraduate, Graduate, Work Experience, International Applicants

Institute for Humane Studies Humane Studies Fellowship

The Institute for Humane Studies offers fellowships valued at $15,000 for graduate students interested in pursuing a PhD in humane studies. Eligible candidates must be enrolled in a PhD program. Humane Studies covers areas from migration and 18th-century property rights to bioethics and environmental policy. The Institute for Humane Studies welcomes scholars working in unique and diverse research areas in classical liberal research in the social sciences and humanities. This fellowship is awarded during a summer and fall cycle. National deadlines for the summer cycle occur in early December, and campus deadlines occur in early November. National deadlines for the fall cycle occur in early April, and campus deadlines occur in early March.

The Institute for Human Studies Humane Studies Fellowship is open to international students.

Click this link to learn more about the Institute for Humane Studies Humane Studies Fellowship.

Inter-American Journalism Association Scholarship

The Inter-American Journalism Association awards scholarships in the amount of $20,000 to fund one year of study in journalism at an American institution. Competitive applicants will be under 35 and aspiring to pursue a graduate/postgraduate degree in communications or journalism. Applicants from Latin America will need to take the TOEFL, and applicants from the United States/Canada will need proof of language proficiency in either Spanish or Portuguese, depending on the desired destination of study. National deadlines for this scholarship are typically in early March, and campus deadlines are typically in early February.

This fellowship is only open to citizens of the Americas and the Caribbean.

Click this link to learn more about the Inter-American Journalism Association Scholarship.

Tags: Domestic, International, International Applicants, Latin America, Graduate, Journalism, Communications

James Madison Fellowship

The James Madison Fellowship offers funding for post-graduate students looking to pursue a master's degree and eventually teach secondary-level American history, American government, or civics. Current and future teachers with a special interest in the US constitution are welcome to apply. The national deadline is typically in early March, and the campus deadline is typically in early February.

Click here for more information on the James Madison Fellowship.

Japan International Monetary Fund Scholarship

The Japan International Monetary Fund (IMF) Scholarship funds doctoral studies for Japanese citizens that are studying economics outside of Japan. At the completion of the program, award recipients must apply for a job at the Japan IMF. Applicants should be able to obtain their PhD before the age of 34. National deadlines are typically at the end of November, and campus deadlines are typically in late October.

The Japan IMF Scholarship is only open to Japanese citizens.

Click this link to learn more about the scholarships offered by the Japan International Monetary Fund.

Tags: International, Japanese Citizens, Economics, Doctoral, PhD, Scholarship

Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships (Polish and American Citizens Only)

The Kosciuszko Foundation offers multiple scholarship opportunities for study in the United States to graduate students that are US citizens of Polish descent, or Polish citizens with permanent residency status in the US. Scholarships are awarded in all subject areas. It is up to the applicant to determine which application is right for them, and the associated deadlines attached to their selected scholarship.

The Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships are only open to US citizens of Polish descent, and Polish citizens with permanent residency in the United States.

Click this link for more information about the Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships.

Tags: Polish, American, graduate, All subject areas, Scholarship

M.A. Cartland Shackford Medical Fellowship

The M.A. Cartland Shackford Medical Fellowship provides $11,000 of funding to female graduates of any US institution to study medicine, with a view to general practice (not psychiatry). Merit and need are considered when awarding this fellowship. National deadlines typically fall in mid-January, and campus deadlines typically fall in mid-December.

The M.A. Cartland Shackford Medical Fellowship is open to international applicants.

Click this link to learn more about the M.A Cartland Shackford Medical Fellowship.

Tags: Women, International Applicants, Graduate, Medical School, General Practice

MacDowell Colony Residencies

The MacDowell Colony offers six-week residencies to artists pursuing work in the following subject areas: Architecture, music composition, film and video, interdisciplinary art, theatre, visual arts, and literature. Artists are provided with their own studio, accommodations, and three prepared meals a day for up to six weeks. MacDowell residencies are open to applicants of all ages, however students actively enrolled in a degree program are unable to apply, as they are typically receiving funding from their university. Applications deadlines for the Fall/Winter cycle are typically in early February, and application deadlines for the Spring/Summer cycle are typically in early September.

MacDowell Colony Residences are open to international applicants.

Click this link to learn more about the MacDowell Colony Residencies.

Tags: Undergraduate, graduate, Liberal Arts, International Applicants, Residency, New Hampshire

Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund Grants

The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund awards grants up to $11,000 to women of at least 25 years of age from eligible countries that are pursuing a full-time degree program (undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral tracks accepted) at an institution that they are already enrolled in. Part-time students are accepted to the South Africa, Latin America, and Trinity Washington University programs. For the US-Canada Program, Applications are accepted between September 15 - January 15. For the Trinity Washington University Program, applications are accepted between September 15 and January 15. For the South Africa program, applications are accepted between May 15 to September 14 each year.

This program is open to international applicants.

Click this link to learn more about the Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund.

Tags: International Applicants, Graduate, Undergraduate, Postdoc, Postdoctoral, All Fields, Women, Domestic, International

National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship

The National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship provides funds in the amount of $27,500 to doctoral candidates that have completed the data collection phase of their dissertation and are now writing their dissertation. Students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply, so long as their research is focused on the improvement of education. National deadlines are typically in early October, and campus deadlines are typically in early September.

The National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship is open to international applicants, so long as they are completing their dissertation at a US institution.

Click this link to learn more about The National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship.

Tags: Doctoral, Dissertation, All Subject Areas, Education, Domestic, International Applicants

Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

The Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship is awarded to PhD candidates in the writing stage of their dissertation in the humanities or social sciences, and are writing on topics related to ethical or religious values. Fellows receive $30,000 for 12 months of full-time dissertation writing. National deadlines are typically in mid-November, and campus deadlines are typically in mid-October.

The Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship is open to international students, so long as they are completing their PhD at a US institution.

Click this link to learn more about the Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.

Norway-America Association Scholarships (Norwegian Citizens Only)

The Norway-America Association offers graduate and postdoc scholarships to Norwegian citizens that wish to study in the United States. Awards range from $2,000-$20,000 . A bachelor's degree must be documented before beginning study in the United States. This scholarship can be used in all subject areas. National deadlines are typically in early December, and campus deadlines are typically in early November.

The Norway-America Association Scholarships are only open to Norwegian citizens.

Click this link to learn more about the Norway-America Association Scholarships.

Tags: Graduate, Postdoc, Scholarship, Domestic, Norwegian Citizens, All subject areas

Open Society Institute Fellowships and Scholarships

he Open Society Institute (OSI) provides fellowships and scholarships for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc individuals who wish to work to improve social, political, and intellectual environments in their home communities. A wide array of opportunities are offered through the OSI, so it is up to the applicant to determine which opportunity is right for them, and what the associated deadlines are.

The Open Society Institute Fellowships and Scholarships are open to international applicants.

Click this link to learn more about funding opportunities provided by the Open Society Institute.

Tags: Undergraduate, Graduate, Postdoc, International Applicants, Domestic, International, Social Justice, Politics, Environmental Justice

Organization of American States Scholarships

The Organization of American States offers a wide array of scholarship opportunities in English and Spanish to graduate an postdoc students across a wide range of subject areas both domestic and international. Studies may be carried out by on-site or by distance education or a combination of both, and must always be undertaken on a full-time basis. Scholarship eligibility and deadlines are variable, so it is up to the applicant to determine which opportunity is right for them, and the associated deadlines with that scholarship.

The Organization of American States Scholarships are open to citizens of OAS member states. A full list of all 35 member states can be found at this link.

Click this link to learn more about scholarships offered by the Organization of American States.

Tags: International, Domestic, Graduate, Postdoc, English, Spanish, International Applicants, Domestic Applicants, All Subject Areas

PAYNE International Development Fellowship

The USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship Program seeks to attract outstanding individuals who are interested in pursuing careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). This fellowship provides funding for graduating seniors or students holding a bachelor's degree that are looking to pursue a master's degree in a field relevant to US Foreign Service. National deadlines are typically in early November, and campus deadlines are typically in early October.

Click here for more information on the PAYNE International Development Fellowship.

Philanthropic Education Organization (PEO) International Peace Scholarship Fund

The PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund awards scholarships in the amount of $12,500 to women from outside the U.S and Canada to pursue a graduate degree at a U.S. or Canadian institution. Applicants must be enrolled and have a full academic year of in-residence coursework remaining. National deadlines are typically in mid-December, and campus deadlines are typically in mid-November.

The PEO International Peace Scholarship is open to international female applicants. US and Canadian citizens are not eligible for this scholarship.

Click this link for more information about the PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund.

Tags: Domestic, Graduate, Women, International Applicants, All Subject Fields

Peace Scholar Fellowship Program

The Peace Scholar Fellowship Program, awarded by the United States Institute of Peace, funds non-residential fellowships to PhD candidates enrolled in U.S. universities who are writing doctoral dissertations on topics broadly related to conflict management, peacebuilding and relevant security studies. National deadlines are typically in mid-October, and campus deadlines are typically in mid-September.

The Peace Scholar Fellowship Program is open to US and International applicants, so long as they have completed their PhD coursework at a U.S. institution.

Click this link for more information about the Peace Scholar Fellowship Program.

Tags: Domestic, International Applicants, Security Studies, Social Sciences, PhD, Fellowship

Roothbert Fund Scholarship Program

The Roothbert Fund Scholarship Program offers scholarships to graduate students in the United States that those in need of financial aid to further their education. The Fund seeks candidates motivated by spiritual values. Preference is given to students that are attending university in Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia. Grants are typically $5,000 to $7,000 and may be renewed for subsequent years. The national deadline for this scholarship is typically in early February, and the campus deadline is typically in early January.

International students are welcome to apply for this scholarship, and immigrant status is not taken into account when applying for this scholarship.

Click this link for more information about the Roothbert Fund Scholarship Program.

Tags: Spiritual, Undergraduate, Graduate, All Subject Areas, International Applicants, Scholarship

Rotary Peace Fellowship

The Rotary Peace Fellowship awards fellowships to students pursuing a masters degree. This fellowship is ideal for early-career candidates that demonstrate a commitment to peace and conflict resolution, are able to undertake extensive reading and research, and are able to participate actively within a diverse cohort of students. Fellows can earn either a master’s degree in international relations, public administration, sustainable development, peace studies, conflict resolution, or a related field, or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict resolution.Students may study at a range of universities both domestic and international. National deadlines are typically in early July, and campus deadlines are typically in early June.

The Rotary Peace Fellowship is open to international applicants.

Click this link for more information about the Rotary Peace Fellowship.

Tags: Domestic, International, Masters, Conflict Resolution, Public Administration, Sustainable Development, Peace Studies, International Applicants, Fellowship

Smithsonian Fellowships

The Smithsonian Institution offers a wide rang of fellowships covering all subject areas for graduate, postgraduate, pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, and senior research to be carried out in tandem with their institution. Unless otherwise noted, fellowships are open to international applicants. Deadlines and application requirements vary based on the desired fellowship, so it is up to the applicant to determine the appropriate fellowship and associated guidelines.

Smithsonian Institution Fellowships are generally open to international students, unless otherwise noted in the fellowship description.

Click this link to learn more about the fellowship opportunities offered by the Smithsonian.

Tags: Domestic, Graduate, Postgraduate, Pre-doctoral, Post-doctoral, Senior Research, All Subject Areas, International Applicants, Fellowship, Internship

Society For Women Engineers Scholarships

The Society For Women Engineers offers scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students that identify as women to pursue degrees in engineering in ABET-accredited programs. Applicants fill out one application, and are entered to compete in all eligible scholarship opportunities. National deadlines are typically in mid-February, and campus deadlines are typically in mid-January.

The Society for Women Engineers scholarships are open to international applicants.

Click this link to learn more about scholarships offered by The Society For Women Engineers.

Tags: Undergraduate, Graduate, Engineering, Technology, Computer Science, Domestic, International Applicants, Female Applicants

Southeast Asian Summer Studies Institute Tuition Scholarships

The Southeast Asian Summer Studies Institute (SEASSI) offers partial scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students for its immersive language studies program, which takes place every summer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. SEASSI offers courses in Burmese, Hmong, Indonesian, Khmer, Lao, Filipino (Tagalog), Thai and Vietnamese to students with a vested interest in studying their target language, or pursuing a career where knowledge of the target language is required. National deadlines are typically in early April, and campus deadlines are typically in early March.

SEASSI Scholarships are open to international applicants.

Click this link to learn more about scholarship opportunities offered by SEASSI.

Tags: Summer Study, Scholarship, Language Learning, Graduate, Undergraduate, Domestic

South Pacific Scholarship Program

The South Pacific Scholarship Program, which is funded by the US government, provides funding for students from select South Pacific countries to pursue a master's degree at the University of Hawai‘i in fields that are directly relevant to the development needs of Pacific island countries. This scholarship supports students across a broad range of interests, including agriculture, business, communication/journalism, education, environmental studies, gender studies, NGO management, political science, public administration, public health, STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), and other related fields. Professional degrees are not supported by this scholarship. National deadlines are typically in early February, and campus deadlines are typically in early January.

South Pacific Scholarship Program funds are available to citizens of the following countries: Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

Click this link to learn more about the US South Pacific Scholarship Program.

Tags: Graduate, Domestic, International Applicants, All Subject Areas

Soros Fellowship for New Americans (DACA & Green Card Eligible)

The Soros Fellowship offers funding for immigrants and first-generation Americans to pursue a graduate education in any field. At the time of application, you must be:

  • Under 30 years old

  • If born in the US, your parents must have been born abroad as non-US citizens.

  • If born outside of the US, you must meet one of the following criteria:

    • Naturalized Citizen: You have been naturalized as a US citizen either on your own or as a minor child under the application of one of your parents.

    • Adopted: You were born outside of the US or one of its territories and were subsequently adopted by American parents and were awarded US citizenship because of your adoption.

    • Green Card: You are in possession of a valid green card.

    • Refugee & Asylees: You have been granted asylum or refugee status in the US.

  • If None of the Other Categories Above Apply: Graduated from High School and College in the US: If none of the other categories apply to you and you were born abroad but graduated from both high school and college in the US (this includes current and past DACA recipients).

The national deadline for applications is typically in late-October, and the campus deadline for applications is typically in late-September.

Click here to learn more about the Soros Fellowship for New Americans.

Thomas Pickering Fellowship

The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program is a program funded by the U.S. Department of State, administered by Howard University, that attracts and prepares outstanding young people for Foreign Service careers in the U.S. Department of State. This fellowship provides funding for for students looking to enroll in a masters program relevant to foreign affairs. The Program provides graduate fellowships to qualified college seniors and college graduates committed to joining the Foreign Service. The fellowship helps finance two-year graduate programs, provides two summer internships, offers mentoring from a Foreign Service Officer, and provides other professional development activities. National deadlines are typically in mid-September, and campus deadlines are mid-August.

Click here for more information on the Thomas Pickering Fellowship.

UNCF Scholarships and Fellowships

The UNCF offers various fellowships and scholarships to student pursuing higher education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. UNCF awards over $100 million in funding to eligible students. All need-based scholarships require a FAFSA on file, and most merit scholarships require a FAFSA. Deadlines and eligibility criteria are variable, so it is up to the applicant to determine their eligibility and associated guidelines. Scholarships are awarded year-round.

UNCF scholarships and fellowships are open to students that can submit a FAFSA form.

Click this link to learn more about funding opportunities offered by the UNCF.

Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies

The Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies provides funding to PhD candidates that have completed all of their pre-dissertation requirements and are now in the process of writing their dissertation in the field of humanities or social sciences concerning one or more of the following topics: women, gender, women’s studies or feminist/gender/LGBTQ theory. National deadlines are typically in mid-October, and campus deadlines are typically in mid-September.

The Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies is open to international students, so long as they are enrolled at a US institution.

Click this link to learn more about the Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies.

Worldstudio AIGA Scholarship (Green Card eligible)

The Worldstudio AIGA Scholarship awards scholarships in the amount of $2,000-$3,000 to underrepresented and economically disadvantaged undergraduate and graduate students studying in the fields of photography, illustration, and design. National deadlines are typically in mid-April, and campus deadlines are typically in mid-March.

The Worldstudio AIGA Scholarship is only open to US citizens and Green Card holders.

Click this link to learn more about the Worldstudio AIGA Scholarship.