Who are we?

Meet the workshop leaders:

Seda Salap-Ayca


I am an engineer-turned-geographer and working as a lecturer in the Department of Geosciences, at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I teach various levels of GIS courses on various subjects including GIS, cartography, Geovisualization, spatial decision making, and geocomputation. I love the pursuit of spatial patterns and seeing how location is connected to the phenomena.

As a TRELIS / Golden Compass Fellow, first-gen, foreign-born academician, and a mom of an almost 5-year-old daughter, I am delighted to pass the torch, share my own experience, and support grad students to build a community where they can have a similar network building experience.


e-mail : ssalapayca[at]umass.edu

Florencia (Flor) Sangermano


I was born in Argentina and came to the US in 2004 to pursue a Ph.D. in Geography. 

I'm currently an Assistant Professor in Geography at Clark University.   My research focuses on climate and land cover change impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity through the lens of geospatial analysis, with the objective of supporting conservation planning,  and ecosystems management. 

I'm navigating the tenure track,  balancing research and parenting a human and a dog, and looking forward to contributing some of my experience as a first-gen Latin student and academic. 

 e- mail : fsangermano[at]clarku.edu

Marcela Suárez


I am an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Geography Department at Penn State University. I teach courses on cartography, GIS, and spatial data analysis in the Online Geospatial Education Programs. My research interests revolve broadly around spatial data analysis, data conflation, data quality, and geovisualization, as well as their applications in disaster and emergency management. 

I am particularly excited about the opportunity to organize and participate in this workshop. One of our main goals with this activity is to build community and create a safe space where, as participants, we feel welcome and safe, while supporting each other in our academic journeys. I cannot wait for this to happen!

Email: marcela.suare[at]psu.edu

Any questions?  Feel free to email us.