Video as a language learning format in and outside schools

Reference: RT2018-100790-B-100 (Programa Retos de investigación).

Financial backer: MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad).

Duration: 01/01/2019-31/12/2021.

Principal Investigator: Daniel Cassany (UPF, Traducció).

Researchers: Carme Bach (UPF, Traducció), Josep M. Castellà (UPF, Humanitats), Sílvia Llach (U. de Girona), Montserrat Casanovas (U. de Lleida), Rosa Mateu (U. de Lleida), Javier Muñoz-Basols (Oxford University), Consuelo Allué (U. Pública de Navarra), Cristina Aliagas-Marín (UAB), Boris Vázquez-Calvo (U. de Málaga).

PhD student: Marina Pérez Sinusía, Leticia Tian Zhang, Liudmila Shafirova, Meztli Santamaría, Rhiannon O'Grady, Shaoqi Zhang.

Abstract: Since video publishing and commenting is partly replacing analogue or digital reading and writing, both in the classroom (with homework) and outside (in idle and social practices), we propose to build a corpus of 50 videos published by teenagers, both in and outside the classroom, to 1) analyse the linguistic quality of these products (evaluating the register, variety and quality of oral and written speeches); 2) describe the typology of youth videos, characterising their production process; 3) document their dissemination and evaluation, identifying the platforms where they are disseminated and the reactions they get, or the evaluation criteria applied to school videos in class; 3) to analyze the gender variable, exploring the appropriation by girls and boys of the production and publication of videos, and the impact on the construction of their identity; and 5) to describe and value the language learning promoted by this practice. In addition to collecting, describing and analysing the videos, ForVid will interview students and teachers who use videos in schools, as well as boys (youtubers, gamers, etc.) who have channels on the net (Tik tok, YouTube) that promote their contents and points of view. Another point of interest of the project is to find out the functions that writing plays in this multimodal practice.


El fandom en la juventud española

Reference: Tercera convocatoria de ayudas a la investigación (2016).

Financial backer: Centro Reina Sofía sobre adolescencia y juventud.

Duration: 18 meses.

Principal Investigator: Daniel Cassany (UPF).

Researchers: Cristina Aliagas, Boris Vázquez-Calvo y María José Valero-Porras.

PhD student: Mariona Pasqual, Liudmila Shafirova y Leticia-Tian Zhang.

Abstract: The fandom in the Spanish youth documents and analyses literate, multimodal, and artistic practices that the plurilingual Spanish teenagers and youth develop in mayor communities of enthusiasts of global popular works (fanfic, fanart, anime and manga, videogames), online and offline. The project is supported by the Tercera convocatoria de ayudas a la investigación (2016) from the Centro Reina Sofía sobre adolescencia y juventud.

With an ethnographic approach, using in-depth interviews, participated observation and online tracking, the project will describe the phenomenon of fandom in Spain; analyse and interpret in detail 5 cases of different communities; describe the influence (learning, motivation, empowerment, identities, affiliations) that these practices provide to young people; publish an anthology of the best works, and thus contribute to a deeper understanding and a positive appreciation of the fan culture.



Reference: EDU2014-57677-C2-2-R. 

Financial backer: MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad).

Duration: 01/01/2015-31/12/2017.

Principal researcher: Daniel Cassany (UPF).

Researchers: Consuelo Allué (Universidad Pública de Navarra), Cristina Aliagas (UAB), Carme Bach (UPF), Josep Maria Castellà (UPF), Sílvia Llach (UdG),  Elena Merino (UOC) i Javier Muñoz-Basols (Oxford University).

Researcher at Universitat de Lleida: Montserrat Casanovas (IP), Rosa Mateu, Neus Vila.

PhD Students: Yolanda Capdevilla (UdL), Misa Fukukawa (UPF), Francisco Martínez (UPF), Aina Obis (UPF), Marina Pérez Sinusía (UPF), María José Valero (UPF), and Boris Vázquez-Calvo (UPF).

IES 2.0

Prácticas letradas digitales. Materiales, actividad de aula y recursos lingüísticos en línea

Reference EDU2011-28381

Financial backer: MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad)

Duration: 01/01/2012-31/12/2014

Principal Investigator: Daniel Cassany

Researchers: Cristina Aliagas (University of Sheffield), Carme Bach (UPF), Josep Maria Castellà (UPF), Jordi Cicres (UdG), Sílvia Llach (UdG), Carmen López Ferrero (UPF), Elena Merino (UOC), Óscar Morales (Universidad de Los Andes - Mérida), Sònia Oliver (UAB), Dolors Ribot (UdG) and Glòria Sanz (UdG).

PhD Students: Francisco Martínez (UPF), María José Valero (UPF) and Boris Vázquez (UPF).


Social media and video games for language learning and teaching in student teachers


Reference: B1-2021_33

Financial backer: University of Malaga Research Program, Research Grant for Junior Researchers.

Duration: 18/05/2022-18/05/2023.

Principal researcher: Boris Vazquez-Calvo.

Researchers: Boris Vazquez-Calvo (UMA), Eugenio Maqueda Cuenca (UMA), Liudmila Shafirova (CIDTFF), Leticia Tian Zhang (Beijing Foreign Studies University, China), Daniel Cassany (UPF), Javier Muñoz-Basols.

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