
Research team

Carlos Ruiz Carreira

Associate Professor at the University of La Laguna. My main line of research focuses on understanding how evolutionary patterns and processes shape bee diversity from a phylogenetic perspective. I am also interested in understanding the response of bees to different anthropogenic impacts in order to establish appropriate conservation measures.

David Lugo Pérez

MSc Student


MSc students

David Pérez Pérez

David Lugo Pérez

Carmen de la Paz Hernández

Undergraduate students:

Nauzet Dorta García

Xerach Hernández Aguiar

Mª del Cristo Pérez

Zulema Castro

Erasmus students

Maximilian Klaus Keller

Maura Di Rico


Pilar De la Rúa Tarín

Catedrática de Zoología de la Universidad de Murcia.

Irene Muñoz Gabaldón

Investigadora postdoctoral de la Universidad de Murcia

Vicente Martínez López

Investigador postdoctoral del Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences

Gustavo Peña Tejera

Carlo Polidori

Associate Professor at the University of Milan (Department of Environmental Science and Policy-ESP)

Thomas Schmitt

Profesor Doctor de la Universität Würzburg

Francisco La Roche Brier

Investigador de abejas y otros himenópteros aculeados de Canarias

Investigador predoctoral del CSIC

Investigador predoctoral del CSIC

Nicolas Vereecken

Associate Professor Chair of Agroecology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Investigadora Viera y Clavijo

Pedro Oromí Masoliver

Natalia Díaz Luis

Jose Antonio Pérez