Skills for Ultimate

This section outlines some of the skills you might want to include in games and activities.
  • Forcing - try games where the force (the person marking the player on the disc) can't move or has to keep their arms behind their back. Try the three-person marking drill - two people stand 5-10m apart. A third person starts by marking the player with the disc. The person with the disc tries to throw around the marker to the receiver opposite, the thrower then runs to become the new mark. The previous marker is now the receiver. *make sure the player with the disc waits until the marker has tapped it before they attempt to throw.

  • Cutting - any running activities can work on cutting skills, focus on sharp turns, quick change of direction, use cones or targets that players have to run to.

  • Footwork - use ladders, cones, hoops to create an obstacle course that players have to move around using agility steps, quick feet ...etc. Get children to sidestep, grapevine, hop, jump, skip.

  • Spatial awareness - pass one way and move another way, work as a team to move the disc to different places (around obstacles e.g.)

  • Jumping: long jumps - see how far you can get. Vertical jumps - adult holds a disc high and children do a running vertical jump to see if they can snag the disc, or try to hit a target (tape on the wall). Bunny hops (two feet) or hopping games *think about good landing mechanics.

  • One-on-one Defence - copy cat games (defender has to mirror the offence aiming to keep up); the defender tries to stay on one side of the offence while the offence tries to get them on their other side; in a channel 2 players run forward - one gets to choose when to turn and then it's a race back to the start (can the defending player beat the player who chose when to turn?)