Inspired by other sports

  • Rounders / Baseball - remove the bowler. The 'batter' starts with the disc and makes a throw instead of a hit. Basic Rounders / Baseball rules apply.

  • Tennis - two teams either side of a real or imagined net. Make passes back and forward, keeping the disc inbounds. A catch is a successful 'hit'. The aim is to force the other team to turnover. Score points as you would when playing tennis.

  • Golf - set up a series of targets ('holes') and try to get the disc to each target with as few passes as possible. Try setting up targets where there are challenges to overcome (e.g. a bin to get around). *if the surface is concrete this will scratch discs and can make them dangerous to catch so try to us grass or indoor. This is a variation on the sport of Disc Golf. When getting started try using JStar discs.

  • Bowling - set up a shape of targets (skittles or water bottles work well). Throw the disc and aim to knock over as many over as possible. Score points as in Bowling.

  • Basketball - try shooting hoops with a disc - increase distance for greater difficulty.

  • Boccia - use a tennis ball as the marker. Each player gets one throw to see how close to the marker they can land their disc. Double points for landing the disc directly on the marker.

  • Javelin - stand behind a line and throw as far as you can. All children have a go before racing to collect their discs. This can also be used when starting to teach overhead throws which may have unpredictable trajectories.