Simplifying Ultimate

School Games rules variations:

- 4 a-side, mixed gender- No stall count- No pick call, but players are reminded about avoiding contact- No brick mark - the disc is taken from the nearest sideline- Substitutions can take place at anytime by high-fiving a player of the same gender on the sideline

  • For very new players still developing their catching skills try playing where touching the disc = catch. It is best if a score still has to be a real catch.

  • Give the offence three chances before the turnover counts.

  • Let them play the game with only three basic rules:

1. no running with the disc

2. no contact

3. normal turnover rules

  • Play a game without endzones where the aims is to complete passes not to score. You could add a single scoring box, the team has to complete a set number of passes before scoring in the box.

  • Don't introduce a force - let children mark each other intuitively as long as they don't get too close or double mark.

  • Try playing 'balltimate' (use a foam ball, beanbag or tennis ball instead of a disc). This can help get the hang of the game without worrying about disc skills.

  • Change the shape or size of the playing space to suit numbers, age group.

  • Before adding a defending team, have static adults / players on the field that the offensive team have to work around. The adult can 'D' the disc if if comes close enough by knocking it to the floor.

  • Try playing a string offence so that players take it in turns to receive the disc.

Play games of Ultimate with different conditions

"In games, it's easy to manipulate the rules, environment, and participants to get different outcomes. Different outcomes develop different skills and abilities." Jeremy Frisch

  • Everyone on the team must touch the disc before they can score, or if everyone touches the disc before scoring there's a bonus point.

  • Play 3 a -side games in a mini ladder league. The game can be played with as few as 2 players / team.

  • If a team scores in a certain way they get double points, e.g. if they throw a break pass for a score.

  • Bonus point for scoring without turning over.

  • Teams have to mark spaces not players.