English Language


The Department of English and Linguistics is the largest department in the Academy and caters to all the English language needs of the university. Apart from that, the English Language lecturers are also very involved in writing not only course materials and manuals, but also text books which are currently used by the students and staff of UiTM and other institutions of learning

Pre-Diploma Courses


This course is designed to improve the proficiency level of pre-diploma students. The course aims to do this through an integration of reading, listening, writing and speaking skills with appropriate consideration given to grammar, using a variety of materials.


This course is designed to improve the proficiency level of pre-diploma students. The course aims to do this through an integration of reading, listening, writing and speaking skills with appropriate consideration given to grammar, using a variety of materials.


This course is designed to improve the proficiency level of pre-diploma students. It focuses on enhancing the students’ ability to use the English language using a variety of materials. The aim of the course is achieved through the integration of reading, listening, writing and speaking skills with appropriate consideration given to grammar.

Foundation Courses

Science and Engineering


This course is designed to build the listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to help students perform effectively and competently in the social and academic contexts. This is done through the integration of the language skills. The course focuses on enhancing the students’ abilities to use the language by exploiting a variety of materials in varied situations. Appropriate consideration is given to the development of higher-level grammatical construction, vocabulary expansion and extensive reading activities which are intended to increase students’ lexical density.


This course aims to equip students with the necessary skills to present opinions and arguments effectively in oral and written forms. This is done through the integration of all the language skills. The course focuses on enhancing the students’ ability to use the language in varied situations by exploiting a variety of materials to support opinions. Appropriate consideration is given to the development of higher-level grammatical construction, vocabulary expansion and reading activities which are intended to increase students’ lexical density.



This course is designed to build the listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to help students perform effectively and competently in the social and academic contexts. This is done through the integration of the language skills. The course focuses on enhancing the students’ abilities to use the language by exploiting a variety of materials in varied situations. Appropriate consideration is given to the development of higher-level grammatical construction, vocabulary expansion and extensive reading activities which are intended to increase students’ lexical density.


This course is designed to develop the students’ ability to read and think logically and critically using a wide range of reading texts. It focuses on the fundamentals of critical reading and the key elements of argument. Students will be taught how to evaluate information, identify and distinguish facts, make inferences, form opinions and develop arguments.


This course is designed to develop the students’ ability to read and present ideas logically and critically using a wide range of texts. It helps students to develop oral communication skills and confidence in content-based situations which are persuasive in nature.


This course is designed specifically for students to equip students with the writing skills to present opinions and arguments effectively in the written form. It also helps students to develop the ability to read and write texts which are academic in nature. The course focuses on enhancing the students’ ability to use the language in varied situations by exploiting a variety of materials.

Diploma Courses


This course is designed to build the listening, speaking and reading skills to help students perform effectively and competently in the social and academic contexts. This is done through the integration of language skills with an emphasis on listening. It aims to raise students’ proficiency to the intermediate level. This course focuses on enhancing the students’ abilities to use the language by exploiting a variety of materials in varied situations. Appropriate consideration is given to the development of higher-level grammatical construction, vocabulary expansion and extensive reading activities which are intended to increase students’ lexical density.


This course is designed to equip students with the reading skills necessary to help them improve their comprehension of written English in order to compete successfully in an academic program and to be confident and independent readers. Specifically, students will be exposed to intensive and extensive reading strategies through a variety of reading materials to build higher level reading skills as well as engage in voluntary reading at their own initiative. In addition speaking and listening skills are integrated into the course to help students perform effectively and competently in the social and academic contexts. This course aims to raise their proficiency to high intermediate level by exploiting a variety of materials in varied situations. Appropriate consideration is given to the development of higher-level grammatical construction, vocabulary expansion and extensive reading activities which are intended to increase students’ lexical density.


This course is designed to equip students with the writing skills necessary to help them improve their written English in order to compete successfully in an academic program and to be confident and independent writers. This course aims to build the writing, reading and speaking skills to help students perform effectively and competently in the social and academic contexts. This is done through the integration of the language skills with emphasis on writing. This course also aims to equip students with the necessary skills to present arguments and discuss issues effectively. It focuses on enhancing the students’ abilities to use the language by exploiting a variety of materials in varied situations. Appropriate consideration is given to the development of higher-level grammatical construction and vocabulary expansion which are intended to help increase students’ lexical density.


This course aims to develop the students’ ability to communicate in English using appropriate and effective language expressions in work-related situations. It focuses on the principles of effective communication in the workplace and evaluating workplace conflicts or problems, providing solutions and proposing new initiatives. Students undertake a variety of activities designed to develop their communication skills, knowledge and understanding of the requirements of effective communication in the workplace. Tasks and activities suggested for each situation are discipline-based with an emphasis on oral communication.


ELC 501 - English for Critical Academic Reading

This course is designed to develop students’ ability to read analytically and think critically. It focuses on the relationship between reading and critical thinking and provides students with a structured method for interpreting content and organization of written texts. Tasks and activities suggested are discipline-based.

ELC550 - English for Academic Writing

This course focuses on developing students' ability to write argumentative essays, paraphrase, summarise, and write parenthetical references/citation. The skills acquired will help prepare students for writing their final year project paper that is mandatory to acquiring their respective degrees.

ELC 560 - English for Executive Summary Writing

The course focuses on developing students’ ability to write summaries and executive summaries. Students are taught to paraphrase and summarize key information using a variety of texts and discipline-based reports.

ELC 590 - English for Oral Presentations

This is a course for students to develop the strategies and skills necessary for effective oral presentations. Guidance is provided from the preparatory right up to the final stage of delivery. Emphasis is placed on the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication skills and using visual aids appropriately in oral presentations. Students will also be taught to anticipate and respond to questions and comments orally during a question and answer session.

ELC 600 - Literary Appreciation

This course uses a literary genre (a novel or drama) to develop students' understanding and appreciation of representational or literary texts which engage the readers' emotional as well as cognitive faculties. Students are also taught to appreciate the play and nuances of the English language used in the text. The course will also help develop students’ awareness of multilevel meaning in the text, imagination and creativity as well as enhance their understanding of the human experience.

ELC 640 - English for Job Application

This course aims to provide students with the necessary skills to perform at employment interviews. Students are trained to design resumes, write application letters and present an evaluation or critique of an interview which is useful for guiding them to conduct themselves and answer questions posed at employment interviews effectively. The course also provides students with communication and interpersonal skills essential for their personal and professional growth.

ELC650 - English for Professional Interaction

This course aims at providing students with the communication skills (language norms and conventions) that can be applied in a wide range of professional tasks and contexts. It also introduces language skills that facilitate the cultivation of specific entrepreneurial qualities needed for various interpersonal situations at the workplace. Students are encouraged to adopt a performance-oriented perspective on language use and are provided opportunities to practice and develop competency in the skills through activities like role plays, group discussions, video critiques, case studies and work-related simulations.

EWC 661- English for Report Writing

This course introduces students to the language of report writing. The course enables students to acquire the necessary language skills for report writing. Students are also taught to edit and proofread the different components of a report to ensure the accuracy of the language used. At the end of the course, students will consolidate the skills acquired to produce a short report and deliver an effective oral presentation of the report.

EWC 662 - English for Business Correspondence

This is a course designed to provide students with the language skills necessary to communicate effectively when writing emails, memos and letters in work-related situations. It focuses on developing students’ ability to produce written business correspondence using the correct language, format and tone.

EWC 663 - English for Meetings and Discussions

This course is designed to provide students with the language skills needed in meetings and discussions. The communicative aspects of conducting meetings and discussions will be emphasized, especially presenting, justifying ideas, persuading and negotiating. It will also equip students with appropriate strategies and language to write effective meeting-related documents (notices, agenda and minutes).