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Wearebuildingbeyondborders is a group of Building Beyond Borders postgraduate students at UHasselt who are convinced that construction can be done differently. We are a collective that explores new possible paths to challenge the constraints of our professions in order to create a more sustainable society.

We hold the belief that architecture serves as both a social and political statement, with profound impacts on our environment, making it an integral element of society. The act of construction, in our view, serves as a vehicle for innovation and a means of resistance.


Nena Aru, Anna Breuer, Maria Belén Cumbal Portilla, Louise Daussy, Rani De Becker, Lavinia De Carolis, Sharon De Levi, Alireza Farzam, Nils Fischer, Artemis Korovesi, Ramses Parijs, Irina Prooth, Saumy Saishree, Sadia Siddiqui, Olga Srejić, Lilla Starkbauer, Eva Vangeldorp.

If you want to know more about our projects or get in contact with us,  just mail us at


Hasselt University

The postgraduate certificate Building Beyond Borders is a cross-border learning platform, home at the Faculty of Architecture and arts, Hasselt University.

BC Materials

BC Materials is where most of our geo-based prototypes came to life. They provide us with the right earth mixtures, their extensive knowledge and experience, tools and advice.