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Building beyond ...


To learn to live with less,

To learn to live slower,

To stop wanting to have more,

To become sufficient to ourselves,

To set limits to our expansion,

To aim for degrowth, 

To reinstate a broken balance with nature, 


Building beyond ...



To go beyond the act of conventional construction,

To question the urge of building,

To unbuild beyond demolition, to dismantle for reuse,

To build as a collective act,

To go beyond competition,

towards cooperation and participation,


Building beyond ...


To welcome the nature of materials and sources,

To embrace their imperfection, maintenance and aging,

To question their conventional use, flow and afterlife,

To avoid overkill,


Building beyond ...


To explore the potential of the city as a mine,

To think  and act circular, 

beyond the exhaustion of resources, 

and the production of toxic waste,

To build beyond creating waste, but future resources,

To restore the regenerative cycles of life,


Building beyond ...


To see value where the current system doesn’t,

beyond economics,

currencies or global commodities,

towards care,

solidarity and collaboration,


Building beyond ...


To cherish craftsmanship,

To expand knowledge beyond privilege,

To restore the memory of collective wisdom,

To unlearn institutional canons,

and build beyond the standards of modern architecture,


Building beyond ...


To take the time, 

To see beyond the foreseen,

To reshape our production rhythms,

To value permanence and resilience,

To acknowledge time beyond human scale, 

as if we were just mere dust in eternity,


Building beyond ...


To be brave!

To dare to break rules, 

To explore new paths,

To take responsibilities and be reliable on these,

To have fun!


Building beyond ...


To act beyond your self-interest or fame,

To build together as an act of inclusiveness,

To go further and build communities, ecosystems,

To build against inequalities of all kind,


Building beyond ...


To feel part of a system,

To not build beyond the planet Earth,

To build beyond human perspective,

To live beyond the exploitation of earth's natural resources,

To love and for all living beings and ecosystems,


To build a future for all.