A tactic is a controlled & well-defined action to hand one or several tasks. The word is often used in the terminology of business and sports. The opponent or the other team will be tackled by the use of a strategic (thinking) method. The step by step approach & the critical (re)thinking of every step is crucial. In the research seminar Tactics of the master of architecture and interior architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Arts at the University of Hasselt the careful and therefore strategic use of drawing by hand and computer and the interaction between these two systems is the first topic. The use and making of scale models is the second area of research in the field of architectural representation and thinking.
Several questions can be asked. What is the essence of a methodological approach in the representation of architecture? Is there a system behind the poetic meaning representation? And moreover, can we categorize this information of findings?
This seminar makes connections between the pragmatic findings during production and the reflection on this process from a larger perspective. To categorize the different approaches towards drawing, model and representation, the seminar works with themes.