Competitive Events and contests

Welcome to the Competitive events and contests page! 

To view different events, please click the drop down option.

County Events

District Events

State Events

National Events

Competitive events and contests are a chance for youth to show their mastery in subject content or knowledge. Youth have the opportunity to participate in competitive events on the county, district, state and national level. 

Annual Holiday Treat Bake-off Contest

Bake your favorite treats and compete against youth across the county as we host our 4th annual Holiday Treat Bake-Off. All entries must have an entry form accompanying them. See rules below! 

Annual Holiday Bake-off Entry Form.pdf

Annual Holiday Bake-Off Entry Form

Please include one form per entry. Make sure to fill out your form in completion for maximum points in this section. 


Food safety tips

To rock food safety, please use this document as a reference!

Skill-A-Thon Study Guides & Tips

Skill-a-thon is a part of County Events and is a great way for youth to test their knowledge in a project area. For more details on Skill-a-thon, please visit the County Events tab under Competitions. 

How do you study for a Skill-a-thon? Your National 4-H project book and the following guides are very helpful when it comes to studying for these tests. Content is practical and is what is typically learned as a project progresses. 

Poultry Skillathon Fair Study Guide.pdf

Poultry Skill-a-thon Study Guide

Cavy Skillathon Fair Study Guide.pdf

Cavy Skill-a-thon Study Guide

Rabbit Skillathon Fair Study Guide.pdf

Rabbit Skill-a-thon Study Guide

Goat Skillathon Fair Study Guide.pdf

Goat Skill-a-thon Study Guide

Swine Skillathon Fair Study Guide.pdf

Swine Skill-a-thon Study Guide

Beef Skillathon Fair Study Guide.pdf

Beef Skill-a-thon Study Guide

Horse Skillathon Fair Study Guide.pdf

Horse Skill-a-thon Study Guide