Immersion Experience 

Legislative Fellows 

Last spring, I was not only a full time student, but also a Legislative Fellow. The Legislative Fellow program is managed by the Institute for Public Administration (IPA) in the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration in partnership with the Delaware General Assembly. Legislative Fellows serve the General Assembly from Januray to the end of June (for their full legislative session), and go down to Delaware's Legislative Hall in Dover three days a week. We are also required to take a public policy course on state government and management lead by the Director of the IPA, Dr. Jerome Lewis. I was placed with the House Minority caucus, and had the oppurtunity to conduct a wide range of  policy research. I also gained experience drafting resolutions. The Legislative Fellows program gave me the oppurtunity to work with state representatives to serve their constituents, and has inspired me to pursue a career in public service. I found out about the program through my Community Engagement Scholar's advisor who encouraged me to apply. Attatched below is the final report I wrote last spring reflecting on my experiences as a Legislative Fellow for my intenship in history class. 

I was asked to return to the Legislative Fellows program this spring, and I am continuing to conduct research and write resolutions for the House Minority caucus while also attending classes on campus!

Final Report