Community Engagement Scholar Portfolio

About Me

My name is Rachel Gaebel, and I've always been motivated to help others. From a young age, I began volunteering by assistant coaching my local youth lacrosse and field hockey programs after school. My mom also got me involved with volunteering for Paws for People with my dog Cupid. This started a life-long passion for helping others through community service which is why when I applied to University of Delaware, I also applied to be a Community Engagement Scholar. At the time, I viewed it as a way to get involved on campus, make freinds, and do some good. However, the experince was much more than that.  I've learned so much about how to help within the communities I am apart of through the required coursework, made strong bonds and unlikely connections through the immersion experince, and I feel as though I've made a difference through the various volunteering opportunities I've been apart of. I am currently in the process of finishing my Honors History degree with a minor in Public Policy. Outside of my degree, I am also working on my symposium project for World Scholars, doing research as a Legislative Fellow, and continuing to volunteer with numerous local organizations. 

Wildcats Lacrosse

Paws for People

UD Volunteering

My Resume

Resume: Most Up to Date