Needs Assessment

Description and Rubric

In keeping with the School of Education’s conceptual framework, EDTC degree candidates are reflective practitioners who learn from the experience of others in developing their own reflective practice. According to this framework, each EDTC student conducts a needs assessment in which local school or workplace needs are identified in light of best practices and research findings documented in the scholarly literature. Informed by this lit review, the candidate writes a term paper that defines the needs and determines the extent to which standards have been published to inform the design of curriculum materials in the chosen content area. Most EDTC candidates conduct this needs assessment in the content area of their intended curriculum project, which is thereby informed by the research reviewed in the term paper. When evaluating this needs assessment, EDTC faculty will use the AECT rubric. The information below present the needs assessment environment rubrics.

Required Elements:

Pedagogical justification of tool choices

Key questions guide the inquiry into identifying needs

Accommodate users with different learner characteristics

AECT Indicators:

AECT 1.2: Candidates demonstrate the ability to select and use technological resources and processes to support student learning and to enhance their pedagogy.

AECT 2.3: Candidates demonstrate an inquiry process that assesses the adequacy of learning and evaluates the instruction and implementation of educational technologies and processes grounded in reflective practice.

AECT 2.5: Candidates design and select media, technology, and processes that emphasize the diversity of our society as a multicultural community.

Needs Assessment: ePortfolio in Undergraduate Student Advising

For this performance, I wrote a Needs Assessment for the use of ePortfolios for use in academic advising, course planning, career development, and for a resume-type document for students to use in job applications and graduate school admission.

Needs Assessment