Joyce S. Muller

M.Ed. Educational Technology

University of Delaware

School of Education

National Standards Capstone ePortfolio

Summative Introduction:

The National Standards Capstone ePortofolio is a culminating project required for successful completion of the Master's of Education in Educational Technology program at the University of Delaware. This portfolio contains projects which are performance requirements within the program. Since I work in higher education and do not have a teaching license, I followed the AECT Standards for my performances as well as for the overall capstone. The five standards which are are used to assess this eportfolio are: content knowledge, content pedagogy, learning environments, professional knowledge and skills, and research.

All of my performances are centered around my work as an Academic Advisor. I help students successfully navigate their undergraduate educational experience, so many projects were inspired by ideas I have had to enhance what my students get out of the advising process and relationship, as well as some professional development for advisors. A major running theme through many of my projects was the use of eportfolios in undergraduate education. This idea inspired a few projects and a concept I am very interested in potentially pursuing through my work in some way. Through each of my courses, I have learned different aspects of instructional design and what makes good use of technology. This has helped me execute more thorough and better projects with each subsequent course. Finally, with the concluding project being my Action Research paper, I was able to see actual data come out of a technology implementation I use every day in my work as an academic advisor. Seeing first hand how a piece of technology can enhance my job and help me do it better helped me piece together everything I've learned throughout all my courses in Educational Technology, but maybe more importantly solidified an idea which ran through all of my courses, and that is that technology is a tool not a solution.

Putting together this portfolio has been a great exercise in reflection to see how far I have come and to see the common threads running through much of my work. I look forward to continuing to incorporate technology into my work with students and colleagues, with a deeper understanding that using technology should not be the priority, but rather a way to assist or enhance an already established learning outcome.

Required Elements:

Summative Introduction

Statement for each of the five AECT standards

Artifacts, with abstracts, supporting each of the five AECT standards

AECT Indicators:

AECT 1.5: Candidate demonstrates the contemporary professional ethics of the field as defined and developed by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

AECT 4.3: Candidate analyzes and interprets data and artifacts and reflects on the effectiveness of the design, development and implementation of technology-supported instruction and learning to enhance their professional growth.

AECT 5.1: Candidate demonstrates foundational knowledge of the contribution of research to the past and current theory of educational communications and technology.