Addressing the C3

Civic Engagement in America (History 316) is designed to generate authentic assessments that address NCSS Programmic Standards Two, Four, and especially Standard Five (Professional Responsibility and Informed Action)

The following assignments, projects and activities from this course address these Programmic Standards through NCSS Assessment #6

NCSS Assessment #6:

Assessment of Professional Responsibility & Informed Action

Programs must provide an assessment that measures how candidates are actively participating as citizens in the public arena, such as a service learning project or social justice action research.

NCSS Standard 2: Application of Content through Planning

Element 2c: planning learning sequences that engage learners in disciplinary inquiry to develop literacies for civic life

Element 2d: planning learning sequences where learners create disciplinary forms of representation to provide opportunities for meaningful civic learning

Nature Awareness

Element 2e: Candidates plan learning sequences that use technology to foster civic competence.

Interactive Poster project

NCSS Standard 4: Social Studies Learners and Learning

Element 5: Facilitating collaborative, interdisciplinary learning environments in which learners use disciplinary facts, concepts and tools, engage in disciplinary inquiry, and create disciplinary forms of representation

It’s Common Sense! List

NCSS Standard 5: Professional Responsibility and Informed Action

Element 5b: Candidates explore, interrogate, and reflect upon their own cultural frames to attend to issues of equity, diversity, access, power, human rights, and social justice within their schools and/or communities

Element 5c: Candidates take informed action in schools and/or communities and serve as advocates for learners, the teaching profession, and social studies

Common Sense Financial Aid