11/11-11/14. Vasquez and Grace Docken presented their research at the 2019 AIChE annual conference. Also, Vasquez served as chair/co-chair of 4 technical symposia.

11/05 - Robert Busch defended his M.S. thesis entitled: "Antibody Functionalization Studies on Gold Surfaces for Listeria Monocytogenes Capture and Detection". Congrats Robert! The NEMLab group thanks you for all your hard work and support to our members.

10/30- A collaborative work between researchers at UD, Jackson State University (MS), Yachay Tech University (Ecuador), Mississippi State University (MS), and the University of Oklahoma (OK) was highlighted as back cover for the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

07/25 - Taylor McCarthy received an award for outstanding oral presentation and Alex Bassil received an award for outstanding poster presentation at the SURS event at the University of Dayton. Congratulations to both of you!


07/11 - Vasquez' 2019 research group. A Pleasure to work with so many talented individuals!

07/08 and 07/10. The NEMLab group had a lot of fun in the women in engineering (WIE) summer camps at the University of Dayton. In the picture, Taylor explains different ways to prepare bath bombs using bio-based castor oil.

06/17-06/21. NEMLab members and collaborators presented at different conferences, including the 2019 TechConnect World Innovation Conference, the ChED at the ASEE Annual Division, and the 2019 ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium

06/28 - Congrats to Frankie Petrie on her M.S. defense. Great job!

04/24 - STANDER day was a success. The group had five students presenting posters and Grace and Frankie were highlighted in the School of Engineering Instagram account. In addition, Frankie got recognition for her outstanding graduate research work.

04/15 - Vasquez presents collaborative research at the STARS symposium hosted by UD

04/11 - Robert and John presented at the SAMPE-Midwest/Dayton ACS Research Symposium. Great job guys! They even matched up outfits!

03/25 - Dr. Vasquez had a great time giving an invited presentation at Prairie View A&M University in Houston,TX