Advance Africa Scholarship Program

Powered by Access Bank

This is the official site for all students in the Phase 1 of the Advance Africa Scholarship Program Powered by Access Bank (Cohort 2) !

Phase 1 Starts: Tuesday, January 11th, 2022
Phase 1 Ends: Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 @ 11:59 PM PT


You have officially completed Phase 1 of the Advance Africa Scholarship Program powered by Access Bank!

We are so proud of you and have loved cheering you on each step of the way! You are awesome!!

Do keep an eye in your email and all folders (spam, promotions, etc) for update regarding your Phase 2 acceptance status.

Thursday, February 24th, we will close the Slack workspace so you will no longer have access to the channels. Connect with your fellow scholars with other platforms and collect important resources and materials you might need.

You can find all announcements made in the slack channel in the Archived Announcement Page just in case you want to make reference.

Wishing you the best of luck in your endeavors!!!

- Your Scholarships Community Team

Just joined? Follow the given steps to get started!

View the recording of our Program Orientation on Jan 12th, where the Community Team gave a thorough review of what to expect from this scholarship program, selection criteria to advance to Phase 2 and a glimpse of all that's coming!

Join the Slack Community! You can find the Slack Community invite link inside your classroom and would have also received an email. Once inside:

💡Pro tip: Scholars who add a profile image on their Slack Profile are 2x more likely to get a response!

New to Slack? Find handy tips here: How to use Slack?

Familiarize yourself with the eligibility criteria for one of the 500 full Nanodegree Scholarships in either:

  • Business Analytics or

  • Introduction to Programming or

  • Programming for Data Science with Python or

  • Product Manager or

  • Digital Marketing

Log in to your Udacity classroom and start learning!

💡Pro tip: Learners who make a habit of logging in to their classroom at least 3x a week are more likely to succeed!

Got a question? Post in our Ask Me Anything (AMA) channel!

The #02_ama_sessions channel is heavily monitored by your Community Managers & Moderator. We will keep an eye out for non-technical, administrative questions regarding the program!

🗓 AMA: You can post program-related questions in #02_ama_sessions any time!

Featured FAQs 🔍 Click here for more!

What prerequisites are associated with this program?

Business Analytics:

This is an introductory program and has no prerequisites. In order to succeed, we recommend having experience using a computer and being able to download and install applications.

Introduction to Programming:

In order to succeed, we recommend having experience using the web, being able to perform a search on Google, and (most importantly) the determination to keep pushing forward.

Programming for Data Science with Python:

There are no prerequisites for this program, aside from basic computer skills. You should feel comfortable performing basic operations on your computer (e.g., opening files, folders, and applications, copying and pasting)

Product Manager:

No prior experience with Product Management is required. You will need to be comfortable with basic computer skills, such as managing files, using third-party online programs, and navigating the Internet through an online browser. You will also need access to a video camera on a computer.

Digital Marketing:

Students should have basic computer skills and be comfortable navigating online.

What are the Slack Profile Guidelines I need to follow?

⚠️ Slack Profile Guidelines ⚠️

  1. Your Slack email MUST be the same as the email address you used to log in to the Udacity classroom!

  • Please see this article for how to change your slack email address or verify whether you have used the correct one to join Slack

  1. Please make your Slack Display Name as unique as possible!

  • Consider adding your last name, location, course track, or "scholar" to the end. Please refrain from using ".Udacity" as this is how we indicate the Udacity Staff members who students can turn to for program support and details.

What are Course Milestones?

As a fun way to acknowledge your hard work in keeping up with the recommended course timeline, we have created 3 checkpoints or "Milestones" throughout the course of the program to recognize you for staying on track! These Milestones are at the END of Week 2, Week 4, and Week 5! More information on how to hit the milestones for your respective tracks here.

⚠️ Please note that the Course Timelines are just a suggested pace at which you should finish the course. You are welcome to take things at your own pace. Just please be sure to finish before the program deadline on February 16th, 2022!

Fun Fact: Our most successful students visit the classroom over 3 times a week!