Child Development in a Cultural Perspective




International module at ABSALON, Campus Roskilde

Specialization: Day Care and School- / Leisure Time Pedagogics

  • The module is an integrated part of the international course ALECE. It is based on international theory and research
  • There are students from all over Europe and Vietnam attending the course
  • The teaching and working language is English

Learning goals:

The student acquire knowledge within

  • Child development with special focus on the role of play and play culture
  • Art as communication in a cultural perspective
  • Aesthetics and learning in theory and practice
  • Drama, storytelling and music as didactic tools


  • Art as communication in educational settings
  • Child development with special focus on the role of play in child development and on children's language and communication development
  • Development of creativity and identity through aesthetic activities in kindergarten, school and leisure (3 - 12 years)
  • Didactic and educational methods and activities focusing on aesthetic activities in different cultures and on cultural diversity

This knowledge must be used to stimulate and frame children's learning, play, socializing and creativity in kindergarten, pre- and primary school and leisure activities.

Furthermore the students will use the practical modes of aesthetic expressions in producing and performing an aesthetic performance for the target group of children.

Assessment basis:

  • The student has knowledge about
  • Child developmental and play in a cultural perspective
  • Aesthetic and Pedagogical-didactic methods that can improve child development, play and learning
  • The student can apply this knowledge to:
  • Involve the child’s perspective in the educational work
  • Support children's education, cultural, communicative and linguistic competence
  • Develop implement and evaluate theoretic reasoned educational plans within the field of drama, storytelling and music.

Involve cultural, physical, aesthetic and musical activities.


Internal examination.

The students in groups produce a written assignment and an oral and aesthetic presentation. This will be assessed according to the European grading system.

Ordinære studerende kan deltage i ALECE 2 i stedet for de første 2/3 af deres specialiseringsmodul på 3. studieår. Ordinære studerende færdiggør 7. etape med det hold de i øvrigt har fulgt specialiseringen med.