Use Guidelines

General Design Studio Guidelines:

o To work in the Design Studio you must have had the Design Studio Introduction.

o Do not remove tools from the Design Studio.

o Please enter the Design Studio using the 315 door.

o There is a cleaning station for the safety glasses by the 315 door.

o Please put your backpacks on the backpack racks.

o Please do not leave valuables in you backpacks.

o Please report broken or missing items.

o Please respect others space and stuff.

o There is the Machine Tool area and the Assembly area in the Design Studio. Please work according in each area.

o The computers are for Design Studio use only (AutoCAD, Lasercamm, and MAE class items).

o Use common sense, follow proper safety guidelines, and practice good shop etiquette!

o Ask for help when needed.

o Help other people if you can.

o Eating in the Design Studio is permitted.

o Have fun.