Safety Guidelines


Safety, Safety, and more Safety. Everyone must wear safety glasses when they come into the Design Studio and follow general laboratory safety practices. Our safety guidelines are posted in the Design Studio and UCSD's safety information is at University of California, San Diego Environment, Health & Safety Office

MAE Design Studio Safety Guidelines

o To work in the Design Studio you must have had the Design Studio Introduction.

o Know where the fire extinguishers are located.

o Know where the main power off switches are located.

o Know where the safety checklists are located.

o Never work alone.

o Always wear safety glasses in the Design Studio.

o No open toed sandals in the shop. Wear shoes that give a sure footing.

o Watches, rings, band aides on fingers, or gloves can't be worn while running machines.

o Necklaces, long sleeves, or long hair must be secured.

o Before using a tool, receive instruction on proper use.

o Machine tools are only to be used when a supervisor is present. If power to a machine tool is inadvertently left on, this does not constitute permission to use that tool without supervision.

o Listen to the machine. If something doesn't sound or feel quite right it probably isn't. Stop and recheck your setup, tools, and machine. Use proper tool speeds and feeds.

o Concentrate on what you're doing. If you get tired, leave.

o Report any damaged tools, machines, or safety concerns immediately.

o Clean up machines after you use them, and put away tools.

o Do not work with obstacles on the floor or your workspace

o Lift with your back straight. If a load is heavy get help.

o No spray painting in walkways, hallways, or floors. Use the paint booth.

o Identify the location of the telephone, circuit breakers, water faucets, emergency eyewash, and fire extinguishers before working in a lab.

o Use appropriate gloves for handling chemicals, resins, and epoxies.

o Always report injuries no matter how small.

o There is no substitute for common sense!