UV-vis Spectroscopy

UV-visible spectroscopy is a simple, yet useful technique that measures the amount of light absorbed by or transmitted through an analyte. Our high-performance CARY 5000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer is equipped with tungsten halogen/deuterium arc lamps and a PbSmart NIR detector that enable the measurements over the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions (175 - 3300 nm). Our accessories include a liquid 10 mm cuvette accessory, an internal diffuse reflectance accessory, a fiber optic accessory, and a fiber optic dip probe accessory with the ability to produce absorbance spectra of samples in all solid, liquid, and gaseous states. For gaseous measurements, the fiber optic accessory is simply connected to an external gas cell, which is useful for real-time monitoring of the concentration of gases. Recent UV-Vis measurements performed in the Grassian lab include quantifications of DNA, proteins, and light-absorbing organic compounds extracted from mineral surfaces.