Screening Room

alexis hithe

Disco Spread No. 1: If I Could Feel

2:20 min.

The image of the Tin Man is transfigured from the 1978 film The Wiz into many bright circles and surrounded by shadows- gaps which deny access to the image while also indicating a space for which the image is possible.

Coral Pereda Serras


3:42 min.

On the fuzzy boundaries between interior and exterior, science and fiction, disease and health, touch and disconnection.

kelechi agwuncha

blacktronika: sound for humanity

3:57 min.

blackness is fragmented across various frames of the internet. commissioned for King Britt's live electronic musical

compositional performance at the 21' Blacktronika: Sound for Humanity Fesitval

Heige Kim

truecross [work in progress]

5:45 min.

A video essay about following a man to a banana plantaion in Veracruz, Mexico.

Emily Greenberg

On Exactitude in Science, Cont'd

6:02 min.

A speculative documentary about the rise of digital mapmaking and a continuation of Jorge Luis Borge's short story about the quest for a perfect 1:1 map.

Wren Gardiner

*sensitive content* (death, life, self-reflection, white women, fascism, eating disorders, 24-to-28-year-olds, earthquakes, etc.)

15:44 min.

An ex bulimic thinks about death.

Hazel Katz

Who Gets to Die

21:52 min.

An essay film about death and dying in pop culture, prison and the films of Hilary Swank.