Alan Skelton

Artist Statement:

I am interested in the transmission and reception of objects, images, and materials. I am particularly invested in the seductive allure and almost magical power of mass produced consumer goods and the techniques of display employed in their sale and distribution. The shop window, the screen, the museum, the street; to each their function and peculiar power.

My practice is oriented around the use of appropriated and found images, materials, and objects. My work hopes to demystify the systems which shape our lives through a belief that within the logics of consumer culture can be found the means to better understand it.

Artist Bio:

Born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1983. Alan Skelton received his Bachelors in Fine Art and Bachelors of Art in Art History From the University of North Texas. Alan is currently an MFA candidate at the University of California San Diego. Alan’s practice explores the strange ways objects, images, and materials circulate and affect our world.