heige kim

held [work in progress], 2021

I use materials from my waste stream -- plastic packaging, twisty ties, bags, or what I call holders to make totem-like sculptural installations. I am reading a book (for forever) called Vibrant Matter by Jane Bennett. In the book, she describes a moment when she noticed particular trash on the street that "shimmied back and forth between debris and thing." I am curious about this relationship that Bennett writes about and explore these moments when I make connections with objects that had specific activities tied to them once. And by repurposing debris, I want to point to a possibility, as Bennett writes, to "experience the relationship between persons and other materialities more horizontally "and "take a step toward a more ecological sensibility."

The Salton Sea [work in progress], 2020

I am drawn to the water, the desert, and the border wall where they converge at the Salton Sea, metaphorically. The Salton Sea is a dumping ground. It's where the agricultural waste ends up and sinks. You can also go there to disappear into the desert, breathing in the toxic air. I explore the alien-like unwanted beauty through a migrant lens.