Wren Gardiner

website: wrengardiner.com   *   instagram: @earthtowren   *   email: wgardiner1017@gmail.com 

Wren Gardiner (b. 1992, USA) is an artist based in Southern California. Wren's work is an amalgamation of performance art, writing, video art, and installation. In it, they recontextualize the confessional-style video characteristic of reality television through long-form video monologue performances installed in galleries or screened in theaters. Wren is interested in the language of the internet, the limits of this language, and the material effects of these limits on the physical body. How does one navigate having a living breathing body when so much time is spent in a space that is anti-body? How are social cues, once communicated via a physical body in material space, understood on the internet? What makes something cringe and why? What new phenomenology is experienced when we are split between the analog and the virtual? These are questions Wren is actively working through in their practice. 

New Work COMING MAY 2023

Please join me on May 12th, 2023 for the opening reception of my thesis project. Details to come. 

Below are notes on process.

the writing

My video work often begins with a piece of writing. The writing starts off as stream of consciousness thoughts transcribed into text. Then it is workshopped. Care is taken to ensure that the writing never loses its off the cuff word-vomit-like quality, even as things are added, taken away, and rearranged. When performed, the style of writing exudes the influence of the internet. It overshares, jumps from one point to another and back again, and goes on algorithmic-like tangents. 

For my thesis project, there are 3 pieces of text. My intention was to connect each text by including different topics relating to the experience of having a body in each, as well as specific references to popular culture and media. 

the performance

After finalizing a piece of writing, I take several months to memorize the text and rehearse performing it. Once the text is memorized, I can begin to rehearse different ways of performing it. Usually I start by recording myself on my phone with the front facing camera. This helps me memorize and focus, partly because there is a clear focul point, but mainly because it keeps me from going on my phone to do other things. While rehearsing, I try different rythms and pacing and let myself add in or take away lines. I put my body in various scenarios, like jumping on a trampoline or driving, while I speak. Sometimes I say little parts of the monologue to people in real life and act like I'm thinking the words for the first time right at that moment. The most important thing is that I know the rythm and beats of the text inside and out. 

For this project, I toned down my performance, so that it operates at a steady, medium level. This was so that I could give viewers more space to focus on the monologue itself, rather than my physical mannerisms.  

the video

My videos, combined with my monologue performances, recontextualize confessional-style videos characteristic of reality television, vlogging, and documentary style interviews. Video is a medium that is often viewed and taken as fact, because it is a recorded representation. Instead of blatantly trying to hide the fact that my videos are constructions, I would rather let some aspects of the video point to its constructed nature and the realities outside of frame. 

In my thesis project, I chose to have the video filmed handheld. In the videos, the person filming me and I are pacing together in a kind of dance. We walk togehter, I follow them, they follow me. Both of us are always looking towards each other but not directly at each other. I look at them via direct address of the camera, which they look at through the camera's monitor. Even though I am the only one seen, the presence of the filmer can be felt. 

For more information and to see recently completed work, please visit my website at wrengardiner.com.

To keep updated on my work, follow my instagram at @earthtowren.

To contact me, send me an email at wgardiner1017@gmail.com.