sabrina piersol

Sabrina Piersol (b.1995) is a painter based between Southern California and Colorado’s Western Slope in her third year of her MFA studies at UC San Diego. The artist’s landscape-informed paintings collapse inner and outer vision onto the canvas. Looking to both the environment around her and imagined terrain, she crafts lavishly sensuous environments of vibrant color, vertiginous perspective, and undeniable energy. Piersol's paintings are steeped in nature’s resilience, the influence of Sapphic poetry, and the value of the fragment. The artist believes in painting as a viable means of conjecture and so creates speculative environments that reflect on the past, present, and future. Piersol intends for her paintings to be accessible in their abstraction through combining explicit allusions to the natural world with purely abstract forms and suggestions in a singular, cohesive visual language. Visual provocations invite viewers’ own projections of narrative onto each piece.

halcyon pour, flashe and oil on canvas, 47.5x59.5in, 2022.

eventide blush, oil on canvas, 16x20in, 2022.

copse, briefly whole, flashe and oil on canvas, 16x20in, 2022.

eventide blush, oil on canvas, 16x20in, 2022.

hearth swept, oil on canvas, 59.5x47.5in, 2022.

oracular sink, flashe and oil on canvas, 50x40in, 2022.

interior epoch, flashe and oil on canvas, 50x40in, 2022.