Team (and "office" hours)

Bill Griswold

Grishma Gurbani
Dylan Lukes
Jash Guatum Makhija


Elaine Chao

Marcos De La Torre - Gomez

Alon Lahav


All Non-Confidential Issues go to Piazza as a Public Message

Before posting a question, please research it on Piazza, Canvas and the posted lecture slides.  (See Piazza Best Practices for details.)

All non-confidential questions should be directed to the course's CSE 110 Piazza forum as a PUBLIC message.  That includes most grading and logistical questions -- other students will likely have the same questions.  Using the forums ensures that you get a quick answer, and everyone gets the same answer.  Note that all forum questions are forwarded to the team's e-mail accounts.

Please answer other students' questions on the forums!  This is a great way for the team to get to know you and be appreciated by your classmates.

You are welcome to follow-up our answers with requests for clarification, etc.  And you can always talk to us in person in the Lab or in my office (see below for time).

Confidential Issues - Piazza preferred over E-mail

If you need to discuss something confidential, you can send a private Piazza message to Bill, another individual staff member, or the entire staff ("Instructors").  E-mail is not recommended, but for urgent or highly sensitive issues issues you may want to post to both Piazza and send an e-mail.  We almost always read Piazza before e-mail (8 billion people have our e-mail addresses; only 200 can reach me on Piazza!), and the rest of the staff is following Piazza (and not my e-mail ;).  If you send email, please:

E-mails that are not highly personal will not be answered, or may be answered on Piazza.  Private Piazza messages that are not of a confidential nature may be: not answered, made public before answering, or answered as a separate new public post.

Questions on specific grading elements should be directed as follows:

In-Class Quizzes:  Grishma Gurbani

Lecture Clickers:  Bill Griswold

Project:   Jash Guatum Makhija

Final:        Bill Griswold

Labs:       You can show anyone on the team your completed lab

Personal Non-Grading Issues: Bill Griswold

How to Find Us:  Office Hours, aka Lab "After Hours" (Home Base: CSE B240)

Much of our availability will be during the organized lab time.  All office hours are in CSE B260, unless otherwise noted on the calendar below or advertised in Piazza.  Below is a live Google calendar with our hours in the lab and my office, as well as other contact points.  (To see event details your browser must be logged in to your UCSD login).  Use this link  to include in your calendar program.  The Monday Lab hours will list who is available which hours.  We might do the same for check-offs on Friday afternoon.  Otherwise, instructional team members will schedule their office/lab hours into the calendar individually.

Bill uses Google Calendar Appointment Slots to give you more certainty about getting the time you need with him.  You can use these slots to get your technical questions answered or simply to stop in to say hi to get your credit for Meet the ProfessorThe course calendar below does not show these slots (sigh), but you can see them if you import this calendar into your own, or go to the calendar's appointment slot page in your web browser.   The appointment slot page will make more sense in the DAY view rather than the WEEK view.

In-Person versus Zoom:  Please read the calendar entry carefully to determine "where" a particular office hour is being held.  If we're in-person, we can handle a quick Zoom call, but of course if we're remote, it's Zoom only.