Academic Integrity and the
Ethical Software Engineer

Software engineers are trusted with the lives and livelihoods of the users of the software they develop.  Paying customers (clients, product owners) also depend on software engineers for their livelihoods.  Furthermore, society depends on software engineers to act in the interest of the broader society, not just the paying customer and immediate users.  Consequently, great (and ethical) software engineers hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct.  They do their own work, they know where every line of code came from and document it, speak up when there is a problem, and do not allow the release of code that may jeopardize the livelihoods of users, clients, or society at large.  It's not just good for business in the long term, it's the moral and ethical thing to do.  Software engineers who do not uphold these standards will be passed over for promotions, lose their jobs, and be unable to get good references from previous employers or colleagues.  You could even be sued for civil damages or indicted for a crime.  Short-term or selfish thinking leads to long-term losses to all parties.  In short, take the high road, you'll never regret it.  Act in ways that you, your friends, and family would be proud.

It is within this framework -- the framework of the ethical software engineer -- that you should understand and practice UCSD's principles and rules of Academic Integrity.  These are not arbitrary rules.  These are the principles on which our identities as engineers are founded.  There is no higher honor than to know that those around you feel they can count on you.  Be worthy of that trust.  It's not easy, it takes discipline and effort.  Here, forthwith, is the Academic Integrity statement.

You are to do your own work in this course.  Each student is responsible for knowing and abiding by UCSD's policies on Academic Dishonesty and on Student Conduct. Any student violating UCSD's UCSD Academic Integrity Policy will be reported to the Academic Integrity Office for administrative processing, and may result in suspension or dismissal from UCSD, as well an an academic sanction that could result in failing the course (e.g., a grade of zero (0) on a compromised assignment).  Committing acts that violate the UCSD Student Conduct Code that result in course disruption will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct, and could result in suspension or dismissal.

As a clarification of the UCSD Academic Integrity Policy as it applies to the work in this course, note the following: