
This is the schedule for the Special Session "Engaging the Community: Using Field Methods Classes for Community Outreach" that will take place on Sunday January 22nd. Mountain Time (one hour less for Pacific Time).

11.30-11.40 Introduction to the languages and communities in these projects: Sà'án Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ, Santiago Laxopa Zapotec, P’urhépecha, and Tu’un Nda’vi Ñuu Ka’nu by Martín Gabriel Ruiz, Jeremías Salazar, Raul Diaz Robles, and Natalia Gracida Cruz

11.40-11.55 Introduction: using field methods classes for community outreach by Eric W. Campbell, Martín Gabriel Ruiz, Jeremías Salazar, Fe Silva Robles, and Maziar Toosarvandani

11.55-12.15 Establishing a Social Media presence: designing a sustainable Word of the Day Campaign by Guillem Belmar, Jeremías Salazar, Martín Gabriel Ruiz, and Dingyan Zhou

12.15-12.40 Developing computer games in field methods classes: A tool for language teaching and revitalization by Giorgia Troiani, Jeremías Salazar, Guillem Belmar, Andrew Hedding, John Duff, Matthew Kogan, Natalia Gracida Cruz, and Fe Silva Robles

12.40-1.30 TUTORIAL (Choose one)

1.30-2.30 BREAK

2.30-3.00 Storybooks as outcomes from Field Methods classes: P'urhépecha, Sà'án Sàvǐ ñà Yukúnanǐ, and Santiago Laxopa Zapotec by Jeremías Salazar, Martín Gabriel Ruiz, Eric W. Campbell, Guillem Belmar, Maya Wax Cavallaro, John Duff, Raul Diaz Robles, Delaney Gomez-Jackson, and Mykel Loren Brinkerhoff

3.00-3.40 Workshop: from ELAN to bi-/trilingual story books and audiobooks by Eric W. Campbell, Guillem Belmar, Jeremías Salazar, and Martín Gabriel Ruiz

3.40-4.15 Open Discussion led by Hilaria Cruz

4.15-4.30 Concluding remarks by Adrienne Tsikewa