Constitution and Bylaws

SoCal Writing Centers Association Constitution (revised 2021)

SoCal Writing Centers Association Constitution

March 11, 2014

Last revised May 7, 2021


Article I: Name and Objective

Section 1: The name of the organization shall be the Southern California Writing Centers Association, hereafter referred to as SoCal WCA.

Section 2: As an affiliate organization of the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA), the SoCal WCA supports and promotes the scholarship and professional development of writing centers in the following ways: 1) sponsor events and conferences; 2) forward scholarship and research; 3) enhance the professional landscape for writing centers.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Membership is open to any individual who is a member of an educational institution.

Article III: Governance: Officers

Section 1: Officers will be Past President, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Two-Year College Rep, Tutor Rep, Web Editor, and representative to IWCA.

Section 2: Officers will be elected as stipulated in Article VI and Article VII.

Section 3: Terms of office will commence immediately after the last Directors' meeting of the academic year, unless the term fills a vacancy (see Article VII).

Section 4: Terms of office will be two years each. All offices except for President and Vice President are renewable. Tutor representatives will serve for 1 year. 

Section 5: Terms will be staggered; to establish stagger, term lengths may be temporarily adjusted as outlined in Bylaws.

Section 6: Officers will maintain IWCA memberships during terms of office.

Section 7: All Officers will be those individuals who direct, coordinate, or are otherwise directly associated with writing centers within SoCal WCA.

Section 8: The duties of all Officers will be those set forth in Bylaws. 

Section 9: An elected Officer may be removed from office for sufficient cause upon unanimous recommendation of the other Officers.

Article IV: Governance: Committees and Working Groups

Section 1: Standing committees will be named in Bylaws.

Section 2: Subcommittees, task forces, and other working groups will be commissioned by the President, constituted and charged by the Officers.

Article V: Meetings and Events

Section 1: Under the leadership of the Conferences Committee, the SoCal WCA will regularly sponsor professional development events as specified in Bylaws.

Section 2: Event hosts will be selected according to procedures outlined in Bylaws; the relationship between hosts and the SoCal WCA will be detailed in Bylaws.

Section 3: Directors meetings will be held at least three times per year, as is possible.

Article VI: Voting

Section 1: All individual members are entitled to vote for Officers and constitutional amendments. Except as specifically stated elsewhere in the Constitution or Bylaws, a simple majority of votes cast will be required for an action.

Section 2: Voting procedures will be specified in Bylaws.

Article VII: Nominations, Elections, and Vacancies

Section 1: The Web Editor will call for nominations; candidates may nominate themselves, or any member may nominate another member who agrees to be nominated.

Section 2: To be eligible, candidates must be SoCal WCA members in good standing.

Section 3: The elections timetable will be specified in Bylaws.

Section 4: If the office of President becomes vacant before end of term, the Past President will fill the role until the next annual election.

Section 5: If any other Officer position becomes vacant before term, the remaining Officers will make a temporary appointment effective until the next annual election.

Article VIII: Finances and Financial Relationships

Section 1: Main revenue sources include revenues from SoCal WCA-sponsored events as detailed in Bylaws.

Section 2: All Officers are authorized to sign financial contracts and reimburse expenses on behalf of the organization according to conditions set forth in Bylaws.

Section 3: All revenues and expenditures will be accounted for and reported by the Treasurer in compliance with all IRS regulations pertinent to nonprofit status.

Section 4: Should the organization dissolve, the Officers will oversee the distribution of assets in compliance with IRS regulations (as set forth in Article X, Section 5).

Article IX: Constitution and Bylaws

Section 1: SoCal WCA will adopt and maintain a Constitution outlining the organization’s principles and a set of Bylaws outlining implementation procedures.

Section 2: Amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws may be proposed by 1) the Officers; 2) by two‐thirds vote of members attending a SoCal WCA General Meeting; or 3) by petitions signed by 15 members and forwarded to the President.

Section 3: Changes to the Constitution are enacted upon a majority of votes cast by the membership.

Section 4: Voting procedures are stipulated in Article VII.

Article X: IRS Regulations to Maintain Tax Exempt Status

The SoCal WCA and its affiliates shall comply with the requirements to be exempt as an Organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code: Section 1: Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, or scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Section 2: No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organizations shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Section 1 hereof and in Article I of this constitution. Section 3: No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Section 4: Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Section 5: Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


SoCal Writing Centers Association Bylaws (revised 2021)

Bylaws of the SoCal Writing Centers Association

Drafted and confirmed, Spring 2014

Last revised May 7, 2021


Section I.  Relationship to IWCA and its affiliates

A.    The SoCal WCA will maintain regional affiliate status with the International Writing Centers Association, henceforth IWCA.

B.    The Representative to IWCA, or designees who are IWCA members, will represent the SoCal WCA at the general meeting at the IWCA conference and at online board meetings.


Section II.  Membership

A. Membership in SoCal WCA will include those individuals who direct, coordinate, or are otherwise directly associated with writing centers and writing tutoring from all levels of public and private education in Southern California and nearby institutions.

B.  A member will be considered to be in good standing if he or she has either attended one meeting in an academic year or paid a Director's conference registration fee.   


Section III:  Governance: General Officer Duties

 A.  All Officers must:

1.  Maintain current memberships in IWCA.

2.  Oversee and set policies for the general operation of the organization.

3.  Approve the annual budget and authorize expenses.

4.  Set dues for membership.

5.  Lead committees and fulfill their charges as directed by the President.

6.  Amend Bylaws (see Article X).

7. At the end of their term of office, hand over all relevant materials in their possession to that position's incoming office

8.  Regularly attend SoCal WCA-sponsored meetings and events.

9. Stand for election every two years. Tutor reps will stand for election each year.


Section IV.  Governance: Specific Officer Duties


A.  President Duties

1.  Assumes ultimate responsibility for all organizational functions.

2.  Calls, plans agendas, and presides over regular board and member meetings, including the tutor conference.

3.  Represents the organization in making public its organizational policies and decisions.

4.  Authorizes, charges, and appoints all committees, subcommittees, and task forces consistent with specifications in Section V of the Bylaws.

6.  In consultation with the Officers, appoints ex-officio board members.

7.  Assumes the office of Past President at the end of a two year term.


B. Vice President Duties

1.  In the temporary absence of the President, presides at meetings of the board and membership.

2. Circulates reports from other officers of the organization at SoCal WCA meetings in their absence.

3.  Assumes the office of President at the end of a two year term.

4. Sits on the tutor conference Proposal Review Committee and the Scholarship Committee.


 C. Past President Duties

1.  In the temporary absence of the President and Vice President, presides at all business meetings.

2.  Assumes the duties of President if the office of President becomes vacant.

3. Presides over board and officer elections in the event a sitting Web Editor is a candidate on the current ballot.

4.  Consults and advises President as requested.

5. Reviews Bylaws and Constitution, circulates proposed changes to the relevant groups, and amends documents as required.

6. Office can be held on its own or in conjunction with the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Editor, or Two-year College Representative.


D. Secretary Duties

1.  Prepares minutes of meetings; delivers minutes within 60 days for distribution, review, and approval.

2. Organizes, maintains, and curates all organizational records and makes them available as requested. 

3. Maintains membership roster, with reference to attendance or fees paid at the most recent conference, in consultation with the Treasurer.

4. Office can be held on its own or in conjunction with the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Editor, or Two-year College Representative.


E. Treasurer Duties

1.  Handles all financial transactions on behalf of the SoCal WCA.

2.  Pays bills using the following guidelines: up to $100 no approval needed, from $100-500 with president’s approval, over $500 requires approval of the majority of the Officers.

3. Signs contracts as authorized by the majority of the Officers.

4.  Submits a yearly financial report to the Officers.

5.  Ensures the SoCal WCA complies with all IRS regulations for maintaining 501(C)(3) tax-exempt status, including annual tax filing.

6. Chairs the awards and grants committee.

7. Office can be held on its own or in conjunction with the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Editor, or Two-year College Representative.


F. Two-Year College Representative Duties

1. Represents the interests of two-year colleges in Officers’ meetings and SoCal events.

2. Office can be held on its own or in conjunction with the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Editor, or Two-year College Representative.

G. Tutor Representative Duties

1. Represents the interests of tutors in Officers’ meetings and SoCal events.

2. Sits on the tutor conference Proposal Review Committee.


H. IWCA Board Representative Duties

1. Represents the SoCal WCA at the general meeting at the IWCA Conference and at online board meetings. If the representative cannot attend the Conference she/he will find a replacement.

2. Informs the IWCA of SoCal WCA events.

3. Informs the SoCal WCA of IWCA news.

4. Office can be held on its own or in conjunction with the office of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Editor, or Two-year College Representative.


I. Web Editor Duties

1. Maintains the listserv; maintains the website and develops web content. Posts time-sensitive information within 3 business days. 

2. Communicates with the membership about the tutor conference program schedule.  

3. Organizes nominations and presides over elections according to Constitution and Bylaw specifications.

4. Office can be held on its own or in conjunction with the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Editor, or Two-year College Representative.

J. Proposal Review Chair Duties

1. Organizes proposal review committee, which evaluates tutor conference proposal submissions.

2. Communicates the status of proposals to participants, including acceptance, rejection, and confirmation.

3. Creates a draft schedule for the conference and circulates that draft to the conference host and program designer.

4. Office can be held on its own or in conjunction with the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Editor, or Two-year College Representative.


Section V: Governance: Committees and Working Groups

A: Standing committees comprise but are not limited to those named and are charged with but not limited to the following purposes:

1. Officers: Develop the organizational infrastructure; plan strategic initiatives; propose spending priorities.

2. Awards and Grants: Awards grants and scholarships; recommends award criteria as needed.

3. Proposal Review: Reviews tutor conference proposals, provides feedback, makes selections, confirms with participants, and creates the draft schedule for the conference.

4. Events: Recruits, selects, and negotiates memoranda of understanding with event hosts; updates Event Hosting Handbook.

5. Constitution, Policies and Procedures: Updates constitution and bylaws, tracks policies and procedures for organizational continuity.

Section VI: Meetings and Events

A: General meetings of the membership shall be held at each SoCal WCA conference, currently on an annual schedule, as well as two additional times each year, as is possible.

B: In consultation with the Officers, the Events Committee shall recruit and negotiate memorandums of understanding with event hosts using criteria outlined in the Event Hosting Handbook.


Section VII: Voting and Elections

A.  Voting for all elections will be held online using a confidential voting mechanism.

B. Offices change hands on July 1st. 

C.  Insofar as possible, elections will follow this suggested timeline:

1. two months prior to transfer of office, nominations open;

2. one month prior to transfer of office, balloting opens for two weeks

3. two weeks prior to transfer of office, results announced, candidates notified


Section VIII: Maintaining Affiliate Status with IWCA

A. To retain or obtain affiliate status, SoCal WCA must meet and maintain the following guidelines:

B.  Affiliates in good standing who demonstrate need may apply to the Awards Committee for seed money to sponsor professional development events;

C.  The IWCA retains no financial interest in regional affiliates beyond any that may be explicitly negotiated in written memoranda of understanding.


Section IX: Finances and Financial Relationships

Should the SoCal WCA disband, its assets shall be dispersed at the will of the Officers in compliance with IRS regulations for tax exempt organizations (see Article X, Section V of the SoCal WCA Constitution).


Section X: Amendments to the Constitution/Bylaws

A.  Polling will be held online using a confidential balloting mechanism.

B.  Constitutional elections may be held anytime upon the recommendation of the Board, insofar as possible, according to these guidelines:

C.  Bylaw polling may take place during any meeting of the Officers as long as members have been notified of proposed changes at least two weeks prior to voting.

Constitution (Last revised May 7, 2021)

SoCal WCA Constitution.pdf

Bylaws (Last revised May 7, 2021)

SP21 Revised SoCal WCA Bylaws.docx.pdf