SVHS CTE Department
Career and Technical Education (CTE) bridges the gap between high school and postsecondary plans. CTE programs include career skills training that helps students become ready for college or work. CTE curriculum focuses students on academic, employability, and technical skills used in a specific occupation.
New News!
Check out our Scholarship Opportunities Page for Updates on New Scholarships that just came through.
Check out our new Instagram page to stay up to date on Guests coming to campus, scholarship opportunities as well as life around the Valley's CTE Department.
The Charlotte Fire Department is now hiring for the Firefighter Trainee (Firefighter Recruit) position. Applications are open until December 9th. Interested applicants can click the link below to learn about the position and apply!
"These Hands" have endless possibilities!
6 Reasons Why CTE is so Important
Students with greater exposure to CTE are more likely to graduate from high school, enroll in a 2 or 4 year college, be employed and seek competitive wages.
Students enrolled in CTE courses are significantly more likely to develop problem-solving, project completion, research, communication, time management and critical thinking skills during high school.
Early career exploration offers a sense of direction.
CTE offers a targeted career focus.
Workforce entry ready with internships, co-ops and job shadowing opportunities.
Carl Perkins funding assists in expanding CTE programs in secondary education (grades 6-12), community colleges, and technical schools and offers support at the local community level to enhance technical and employability skills for secondary and post-secondary students with credential opportunities as well as articulation credits.
Congratulations to Mrs. Rohleder for being recognized as a 2023-2024 CTE Teacher of the Year finalist!!
TEACHERS - If you would like to sign up for me to speak with your class, click below to retrieve the calendar
See Mr. Beighle in the Career Center to learn more about:
Internships within the Business or Medical fields
Career & Technical Education Academies within UCPS, such as Vet Tech, Culinary Arts, Nurse Aid, and more!
Work-Based Learning
JobReady Partnerships
Summer Camps
Career Exploration and Goal Setting