Tips for Being an Upstander

Don't just stand by, stand up!

Students provide tips and advice for how to be an upstander - stepping in and speaking out against bullying behavior.

"Be an upstanding group

I feel like people can stop bullying by standing up but some people don't want to get in that. I feel like a group of people standing up can stop bullying. I feel this way because if one person tries to stop it they could brush it off and keep bullying, but I feel like if a group of people stick up for them the bully would back off and stop."

  • Arthur, 8th Grade

"Reach out to a supportive adult

You can be an upstander by helping others when you see bullying and tell a teacher or a grown up."

  • 8th Grade Student

"Lighten the mood and other tips

I have some tips on what to do if you are a bystander. If you think a fight is going to break out try to lighten the mood a little. I know when my friends get a little out of hand making a joke or just being my goofy self makes them laugh but to also stop and think about their next action. Fighting someone is a form a bullying.

Here is another tip, try to prevent the tension before it happens. If you realize that when the two meet that they are not getting along for whatever reason, try to separate them as much as possible, this helps everything. To be left alone sometimes you have to ignore other people before things get out of hand.

Another thing if you are known (to yourself or anyone) to be a bystander do not just decide “oh I’m going to do something” and then jump in the middle of a fight to break it up. I am using fighting as my source because it is what most people turn to in order to prove who is better than the other or who showed who what...NO! We are equal and on one is better than anyone period point blank."

  • Mariah, 8th Grade

"It's the right thing to do

Tips for being an upstander:

  1. It is the right thing to do and also you are being a good person.

  2. If you help out the person being bullied maybe you can be their friend.

  3. It can help out the school because you may be a right hand man to the teacher and students."

  • 8th Grade Student

"Use empathy

A way to be an upstander is to help out the victim. By telling an adult, help the person being bullied. And put yourself in the shoes of the person being bullied. "

  • 8th Grade Student

"Be brave and be strong

The tips I have for being an upstander are to be the bigger person if you see something. Why would you want to see someone get bullied? It's just like if you were in their shoes so say something. Being bullied is not something to play about that messes with someone mentally and physically. As an upstander you can't be scared to speak out. You have to be brave and strong for someone else."

  • 8th Grade Student

"Respect all people

When you see someone getting bullied, don’t just stand there and watch. You should do something about it. Being an upstander requires a few things but not much. You should educate yourself about bullying or rude behavior. You can also stop the spread of untrue or hateful rumors. Helping someone who is getting bullied can be more effective if more friends or people are involved. To be an upstander you need to understand that everyone is different and has their own personalities. So, you should respect all people and make sure everyone is getting the respect they deserve."

  • Jayda, 8th Grade

"We can stop this, together

Physical bullying would be like hitting or kicking and many more. Verbal bullying involves name calling or insults. Social bullying is often hard to recognize and can be carried out behind the targets back. Cyber bullying is when the bully uses digital technology to say mean things. Some bystanders will either laugh at that person getting bullied or will try to help out but it is mostly them laughing and that's not cool. You should help out because what if this was you? We can stop this by helping out that person getting bullied. We don’t want this to happen to us so all you have to do is help out and things will go fine, or you as the bystander can go tell the teacher.

  • 8th Grade Student

"Show compassion and care

Tips I have for being an upstander is if you see someone getting bullied tell an adult. Tell your parents. If you are strong enough and have enough power to stand up to that bully, call them out. Comfort the person that is getting bullied. Tell them that they are important and that they are enough, and they are needed in this world. Help them have courage in themselves and just be their friend. "

  • Jared, 8th Grade

"Show compassion and care

“What you allow is what will continue.” To me this quote in relationship to bullying means if you allow someone to be bullied or be a bully more will follow. We have to step in and let the bully know that what they are doing is not ok and that we won't tolerate it. We shouldn't be afraid to do what's right especially when someone else is suffering in our silence. Just take a deep breath and do what's right. "

  • Destiny, 8th Grade



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