When Worlds Collide

Humanities Core: Worldbuilding 2022 - 2023

About Me:

Hi! My name is Odalys Vasquez-Lopez, and I am a Game Design and Interactive Media Major!

I love it when creators take concepts from separate environments and write their own versions of it (or just straight up make a whole new series!), so my archive will be based off of that theme.

This idea came to me because I was recently reminded how much I love how Rick Riordan combines mythology with the modern world in his stories, and it's from his stories that got me started onto the pathway that I am on right now!

Like seriously the GRIP this series had on me as a kid

Image taken from here

Pretend this is a picture I took of the books, I swear I actually have the physical books

What If....

If we lived in a simulation controlled by robots? What if the world's biggest conspiracies were intentionally fabricated for us? What if there's a whole different realm from our own?

These are some examples of just how many different directions worldbuilding can take. Here are some of my favorite (that I can remember right now at least):

Video Games:

In order:

More to be added in the future :)

Header Image Source: Photo by Marek Piwnicki from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/light-dawn-landscape-mountains-6160167/