Víctor M. Espinoza Catalán, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Sound - Faculty of Arts

Universidad de Chile



I am deeply passionate about the intersection of music, sound, science, and engineering. This passion has driven me to pursue an academic career focused on studying these disciplines in an interdisciplinary manner.

My research interests revolve around voice disorders and voice production, where I employ tools from Biomedical Engineering, Acoustics, and Audio Signal Modeling and Processing.

I am currently involved in two exciting areas of research. Firstly, I am dedicated to validating clinically relevant data captured from a small accelerometer placed on the neck skin. This device allows us to approximate glottal airflow, providing objective measurements for assessing vocal function. Secondly, I actively contribute to music technology and audio/acoustic research, where I focus on developing applications for audio production, audio transducers, loudspeaker enclosures, and room acoustics.

© 2023 by Víctor M. Espinoza.

Current activities