Shared Materials

Local Resources

UC-Davis Keep Teaching site

Department and campus instructional resources

Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology 2020 Presentations

Materials for Training Undergraduate Students to Download and Use Zoom

  • YouTube video showing how students can download and set up Zoom

      • YouTube video showing how students can use Zoom in their classes [Updated 3/28/2020]

      • Quick Start Guide for students (PDF, editable PowerPoint) [Updated 3/26/2020]

      • Canvas pages that you can import into your own course (click here for import instructions)

        • Getting a Zoom Account and Downloading the Software [Updated 3/29/2020]

        • Accessing Zoom Meetings and Dealing with Zoom Problems

          • You will need to edit this second page to add the URL and Meeting ID for your course's Zoom meetings

        • Zoom Etiquette (including a warning not to engage in "Zoom Bombing")

          • You can also see the Zoom Etiquette guide here

UC Davis branded virtual backgrounds (for when you are tired of the dumpster fire ones)

Example R script for getting attendance info from Zoom into Canvas

Example of Canvas questions following a lecture

  • In Canvas, go to the Home page for a course, click Import from Commons, and search for "Steven Luck"

        • More detailed instructions can be found here

YouTube video with Advice to students new to remote learning

  • Understanding metacognition, studying for open notes exams, deciding to take a course P/NP

  • From Celeste Pilegard, an Assistant Professor of Teaching Psychology at UCSD

Suggestions for dealing with Zoom Bombing and other mischief

Local Support

If you want to talk through your pedagogical decisions, we are here to help.

Department and campus instructional resources

Departmental Zoom Meeting recording 3/20/2020

Technical support:

  • For help with Canvas (from the company) , click the Help icon along the left side of the Canvas screen.

    • Click Chat with Canvas Support (Faculty) to have a real-time text-based chat (24/7)

      • The Canvas support people are generally very knowledgeable and helpful

      • They are currently swamped with support requests, so it may take several minutes for someone to respond

    • You can also call 844-303-8285 (24/7)

  • You can also get on-campus support from IT Express

  • For non-Canvas issues, you can request support from L&S IT:

    • If you need a fast response, call them at 530-754-HELP

Training Meetings (past recordings)

Remote Teaching Meeting for F2020 Instructors (7/9/2020)

        • The meeting is very long. We recommend viewing it at 1.5x speed. You can also learn a lot just by looking at the slides

Zoom Training Meeting for Summer Instructors (4/28/2020)

Zoom Training Meeting for Psychology TAs (3/25/2020)

Zoom Training Meeting for Faculty from Other Departments (3/24/2020)

Zoom Training Meeting for Psychology Faculty/Instructors (3/20/2020)

External Advice

Stanford has created an excellent document with additional practical advice about moving rapidly to remote instruction.

The Online Learning Research Center has collected links to a variety of useful guides to making the online transition.

Chronicle of Higher Education has released this guide to teaching in the age of Corona

Video showing how to use iClicker REEF in an online course

Celeste Pilegard's "So, your classes are all online" on Canvas Commons with a few reflective questions

About this site

This site was created and maintained by the Instructional Support and Innovation committee in the Department of Psychology. We are faculty who have taught in many paradigms (traditional, hybrid, online). We have distilled our opinions and best practices into this advice. If you don't want to make lots of decisions around remote delivery of your Spring 2020 course, please follow our advice. We intend to update this website as the situation unfolds.

This is not intended to be comprehensive or to provide extensive technical support - but to quickly jump our colleagues through some of the decisions that will allow them to rapidly deliver remote courses.