How it Works

But First, the Problems:

Health Concerns 

Traditional nail products, such as acrylic nails, pose health risks for both individuals and nail technicians. These products often contain toxic chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl phthalate, and methacrylates that damage cuticles and lead to brittle, thin nails, especially with repeated use overtime. These toxic chemicals have been linked to countless diseases in humans including but not limited to asthma, lung cancers, and reproductive issues. Additionally nail technicians work with these products daily and are exposed to these harmful fumes alongside minuscule plastic particles during the application and filing process, jeopardizing their respiratory health. In fact, 

Environmental Concerns 

Traditional fake nail products, being small plastic items, are not easily recyclable and frequently end up polluting landfills and oceans. This improper disposal of petroleum-based plastics can persist for centuries, harming wildlife, ecosystems, and human health. Moreover, the production, use, and degradation of these plastics contribute to climate change by emitting greenhouse gasses. Aside from this, studies estimate that fish industry processing waste can constitute up to 75% of the total weight of the catch. The disposal of fish waste into ocean waters releases methane emissions during decomposition, causes disease spread, oxygen depletion and harm to marine organisms

SeaNails tackles all of these issues by creating all-natural, biodegradable, waste-based fake nail products that don't cause nail damage nor pollute the environment.


Our product is free from all toxic chemicals including formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate—the three main toxins found in many nail products today.


With the help of fungi, our product biodegrades in soil, while fish scales act as an organic fertilizer, providing slow-release nitrogen for optimal plant nourishment.


Our press-on nails are derived almost entirely from waste byproducts, utilizing byproducts from the fish and agricultural manufacturing industries.

The first SeaNails prototype developed by our team.

Our manufacturing process is free from complex procedures & harsh chemicals, setting us apart from traditional nail products.

Mechanical Cutting




Energy & Heat Use

Water Use

Isopropyl Alcohol Use


From sourcing to manufacturing to decomposition, every step reflects our commitment to minimizing environmental impact and maximizing positive change.