Symposium 2019 FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who can participate?

Anyone! If you're interested in getting to know more about the academic research that Mexicans, Latinxs and Chicanxs are doing throughout the different areas of academia, please join us!

Who can present?

Grad students and undergrads are welcome to present their research or their research ideas and interests. 

Is this a yearly symposium?

Yes, the Mexican Graduate Student Association organizes a yearly academic symposium where its members present about their research

What is special about 2019 symposium?

It is the first time we cross paths with fellow colleagues from the Berkeley Graduate Students Association as well as we encourage the participation of any person that identifies as Latinx and Chicanx. This year, the symposium is brought to you in the form of a collaboration with the Students Recruitment and Retention Center. 

Why the name "Mexican, Latinx, Chicanx Academic Symposium"?

Yes, we know that the term Latinx includes Mexicans, however, this symposium has always been called "Mexican Academic Symposium" and keeping a bit of the same structure help us to give continuity to the previous work and to let the yearly participants know that this is the same symposium that have always attended.

What's the image in the flyer?

The image is the mural called "El hombre controlador del Universo" painted by Diego Rivera in the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City. At the center is the worker, the left side represents the capitalist world and the right side is an idealized view of a socialist society. More info about this and other murals in Palacio de Bellas Artes can be found here.