Mesa Directiva 2023-2024

Alma A. Poceros-Coba


Originaria de Chalchicomula de Sesma, un pueblo que habla con las estrellas. 

Alma es candidata a doctora en Genética y Genómica Integrativa en UC Davis. Su área de investigación en genética humana esta enfocada en la interacción de agentes cancerígenos del medio ambiente que pueden causar cambios a nivel de genético y epigenético. Su motivación es entender la interacción de estos agentes con nuestro ADN. Alma es egresada de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, donde se recibió como Químico Farmacobiólogo. Le fue otorgada la beca UC Mexus-Conacyt 2019 para realizar sus estudios de Doctorado en el Extranjero. 

Sus pasatiempos favoritos son correr, senderismo, montañismo y acampar.

Angela Encerrado 

Vicepresidenta/ Vicepresident

Angela is an international student from Mexico who her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) in 2018 , and her Master of Science degree in Chemistry from UTEP in 2020 under the mentoring of Dr. Wen-Yee Lee.

At Davis, Angela is a Ph.D. candidate in Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry under the mentoring of Dr. Sascha Nicklisch. Angela's passion is science and she enjoys helping new generations get involve in research and academia. Her current project involves actively working with honeybees, protein biochemistry, and analytical chemistry.

Karla Damian-Medina 

Coordinadora Académica


Meet Karla, she was born in Zacatecas Mexico, a Mexican state famous for its rich silver mines and captivating colonial architecture that adorns its streets. Currently serving as a postdoctoral researcher in the Smilowitz research group within the Department of Nutrition at University of California Davis. She holds PhD in Biotechnology and Innovation, specialized in Food Science and Technology completed in The Center for Research and Assistance in Technology and Design of the State of Jalisco, Mexico (CIATEJ). Her research interest primarily focuses on the impact of food bioactive compounds and functional foods on human health. As a postdoc her work is focused on evaluating the relationships between complex dietary fibers, biomarkers of diet and the gut microbiome in diverse populations. When Karla is not in research mode, you will catch her enjoying indoor cycling, traveling to new places, or simply chilling with friends.

Vanessa Buenrostro

Coordinador de diseño grafico

Vanessa graduated from California Lutheran University with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science with minors in Spanish and Computer Information Systems. She was born in Ventura, California, and raised in South Oxnard, CA where she worked with grassroots organizations focusing on migrant farmworker rights, air quality, and systematic racism. Now, she is a graduate student in the Environmental Policy and Management program specializing in environmental justice and air quality.

Christian Preston Rubio 

Coordinador de Cultura

Alejandra Mejía 

Coordinadora de Marketing

Alan Rodriguez Urquidi


Nuevas coordinaciones  open

Coordinador de Relaciones públicas

Finanzas y Administración 
