‘I AM’ 

  3-MIN FILM Portfolio PROJECT


The objective is to create a study that explores the essence of a single character. The film should begin with the words "I Am..." and focus on revealing the depth and complexity of the protagonist's identity, emotions, and experiences. 


Director - Focus the portfolio on directing the actor

Screenwriter - Work with the group to create a three page script

Sound Design - Create the soundscape and/or score for the short film

Cinematographer - Create a shortlist, lined script, or storyboard


Character: The film must feature one central character, whose journey serves as the focal point of the narrative.

Group Collaboration: Students will work collaboratively in groups of 3-4 people to conceptualize, plan, and execute the film project.   Your portfolio will be about your role but you must work on all aspects of the assignment as a group.

Location: The film must be confined to a single location to emphasize the intimacy and introspection of the character study.

Narrative Structure: The film should begin with the words "I Am..." and unfold as a character study, gradually revealing layers of the protagonist's personality and backstory.

Incorporation of Other Characters: While only one character will be physically present, the film can include the presence of other characters through phone calls, messages, or off-screen sounds to enrich the narrative.

Duration: The film should be 3 minutes in length.


Cinematography must:

Sound must:

Screenplay must:


Rejection - Short Film - One location - One Actor

Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

Lady Bird (2017)

Fight Club (1999)

Do The Right Thing (1989)

Night of the Hunter (1955)