Grade Point Average

Frequently Asked Questions

What does GPA mean?

GPA stands for Grade Point Average, and it is a number representing the average value of the grades earned in classes over time. A student's GPA is calculated by adding up all grade points and dividing that figure by the number of grades awarded.

Your GPA that reflects all of your grades and credits combined is called your cumulative GPA. Scholarships and colleges will often ask for your cumulative GPA as part of the application process.

Where can I find my cumulative GPA?

Your GPA can be found on your high school transcript. To request an official or unofficial copy of your transcript, go to and order your transcript to be sent to your email (or select unofficial self-view). Your GPA will be listed at the bottom of your transcript with other cumulative information. Your transcript and GPA will update after grades are finalized each quarter, so you'll need to request it again for an updated copy at the end of the quarter.

Here is the direct link for ordering records from Ubah:

More information on how to use Parchment can be found on the Transcript Requests page.

What is my quarter GPA?

Your quarter GPA can be viewed on your student PowerSchool account. It is different than your cumulative GPA. Your quarter GPA reflects your grades for just the current quarter, rather than your overall grades.

How can I increase my GPA?

This calculator is handy for seeing what average quarter GPA you would need in order to raise your cumulative GPA to your goal number, based on the number of credits you are taking.


3 credits = 1 quarter

6 credits = 1 semester

12 credits = 1 year