Faculty & Staff

Nursing Faculty

Mrs. Isidora Espadas

Chair of Nursing Department and Lecturer
822-3680 Ext. 1166

Mrs. Isidora Espadas is the Chair of the Nursing Department and a Lecturer at the University of Belize (UB). She has a Masters in Science in Nursing Administration and a Bachelors in Nursing Education from the University of West Indies. She received her education as a Registered Nurse Midwife from The Bliss School of Nursing. Her research interests include Reproductive Health and Women's Health.

Mrs. Leolin Castillo

822-3680 Ext. 1170

Mrs. Leolin Castillo is a Lecturer in the Nursing Department at the University of Belize (UB) and the former Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Allied Health, & Social Work, now known as the Faculty of Health Sciences.  She is a Registered Nurse and a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. She possesses a Masters Degree in Public Health from University of South Florida, a Bachelors Degree In Nursing Education from the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. She is currently completing her PhD in Nursing Science from Texas Woman’s University. She received her education as a General Nurse from The Bliss School of Nursing. Mrs. Castillo has served in the nursing profession for 32 years (10 years in the nursing field and 22 years in nursing education). Her research interest is in Domestic Violence.

Mrs. Lecia Bevans

822-3680 Ext. 1168

Mrs. Lecia Bevans has been a Lecturer in the Nursing Department at the University of Belize (UB) since 2009. She holds a Master's of Science Degree in Nursing Education. Mrs. Bevans has nursing experience as a Midwife, General Nurse, Emergency Room Nurse and Nurse Anesthetist. She is an avid educator who believes that students bring much to the classroom and are self-directed. Therefore, she encourages students to know who they are, what they believe and to be themselves in the classroom.

Ms. Ann Matute

822-3680 Ext. 1181

Ms. Ann Matute is an RNM with a background in Public Health. She has served at the MOH in various capacities such as Regional Health Manager, Nurse Administrator for Maternal & Child Health and more recently as the Deputy Director of Health Services and Chief Nurse up to the time of her retirement. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Health from UTECH, Jamaica and a Master’s degree in International Public Health from the National Yang Ming University in Taiwan where her research paper “Analysis of Perinatal Deaths, a Belizean Perspective” was accepted for publication. Ms. Matute has received the MOH outstanding and dedicated award for 25 years of service in the nursing profession. She plans to continue molding and mentoring young nurses to be the  best for Belize’s health care system. 

Mrs. Caramyn Reid Sho

Coordinator of Midwifery Program and Clinical Instructor
822-3680 Ext. 1162

Mrs. Caramyn Sho has been a Clinical Instructor in the Nursing Department at UB since 2017. She is an RN with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing from the University of Belize, and a Masters degree in Business Administration. She has recently completed her post graduate certificate in Midwifery, and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in International Public Health from Liverpool John Moore's University. Her areas of interests include management, and reproductive and child health.

Ms. Melissa Young

Clinical Instructor
822-3680 Ext. 1172

Ms. Melissa Young has been a Clinical Instructor in the Nursing Department at the University of Belize (UB) since 2018. She is a Registered Nurse (RN) with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. She has a Certificate from the Belize Red Cross as a Home Healthcare Provider.  She is a Belize Red Cross Caregiver and Volunteer. Ms. Young has nursing experience as an Auxiliary Nurse and a Unit Manager at the Belize Healthcare Partners Limited.

Mr. Collins Ihebie

Clinical Instructor
223-0256 Ext. 2104

Mr. Collins Ihebie is a Clinical Instructor at the University of Belize (UB). He received his Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2010 from IUON. He possesses a Certificate in “Health Leadership” from the University of New South Wales, a Certificate in "Project Management" from Alison certified Online Program and a Certificate in "Epidemiology, the Basic Science of Public Health" from the University of North Carolina. Mr. Ihebie is currently furthering his studies with a Masters in Public Health at the University of South Wales.

Ms. Shantel Neal

Clinical Instructor
223-0256 Ext. 2106

Ms. Shantel Neal has been a Clinical Instructor at the University of Belize (UB) since 2016. She is a Registered Nurse (RN) with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. She has a Certificate in "Health and Safety for Caregiving" from Alison Certified Online Program, a Certificate in "Infection Control" by the ANCC and a Certificate in "Breast Health" from Nextgenu Certified Online Program. Ms. Neal has nursing experience as an Accident and Emergency Nurse, Recovery Room Nurse, Floor Nursing the Operating Theater and a Gastroenterology Nurse.

Ms. Michelle Hoare

822-3680 Ext. 1181

Ms. Michelle Cox Hoare is Registered Nurse Midwife, with a Certificate and Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Administration and a Master’s Degree in Public Health all from the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. She has received numerous trainings such as Clinical Quality Assurance  and Leadership in International Health as a post Masters Degree training. Her past work experiences include Infection Control and Clinical Quality Assurance Program Coordinator where she was instrumental in developing the Hospital Infection Control and Clinical Quality Assurance Programs for KHMHA and expanded both areas into National programs under the Ministry of Health’s technical programs. Her academic preparations and experiences prepared her for senior management roles at the National Referral Hospital (KHMHA) where she has served as Director of Nursing Services and Chief Executive Officer.

She is the mother of two beautiful children. Her interests are quantitative and qualitative research in quality improvements/program reviews, developing policies and guidelines and sharing knowledge and lessons learned.

Mrs. Cynthia Gabb-Guild

223-0256 Ext. 2103

Mrs. Cynthia Gabb-Guild is a Registered Nurse Midwife with a Bachelors degree in Nursing Education from the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. She has served as the Chair of the Nursing Department and External Examiner for the Regional Examination for Nurse Registration. She continues to serve on the Nurses and Midwives Council of Belize on the Education committee. Mrs. Guild’s passion for the nursing profession and her nursing students keeps her going. She loves to be in the clinical setting with her students.

Mrs. Sharrie Gordon 

822-3680 Ext. 1162

Mrs. Sharrie Gordon is a Nursing Lecturer in the Nursing Department at the University of Belize. She served with the Government of Belize for 24 years in various capacities such as Registered Nurse, Emergency Nurse, Infection Control Nurse and a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. She has a Bachelors’ of Science in Nursing from the University of Belize and a Masters in Health Education and Promotion from Walden University, Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has received numerous trainings including Tuberculosis in Hospital Setting, Field Epidemiology Training Program, Strengthening of Community Health System for Infectious Disease Control and The Specialist of Nosocomial Infection and Prevention in Japan. She is an active member in Belize Diabetic Association, Nursing Association, Public Service Union and Secretary of National Garifuna Council. She plans to encourage and motivate young nurses in leadership positions. Also, she enjoys travelling.

Academic Support

Mrs. Adelita Bell

Dean's Secretary 
822-3680 Ext. 1160

Ms. Martha Jonch

Belize City Faculty Secretary
223-0256 Ext. 2101