Theater Arts

Workshop Theatre I (Acting)

0.5 credit — Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 semester)

This course is designed for active student participation in acting, voice, and movement. The semester begins with exposure to performance skills. In this “discovery laboratory,” exercises are designed to stretch the body, voice, and the imagination. Throughout the course, students are responsible for preparing and performing partner scenes, staged readings, monologues, auditions, and other dramatic episodes. The final project of the class involves the conception, creation, and execution of a Showcase performance to be performed during the final week of the course.

Workshop Theatre II

0.5 credit — Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 semester)

Prerequisite: Workshop Theatre or permission of instructor

With a focus on voice, form, and movement, Workshop II builds on the foundational skills of Workshop Theatre I. In a company setting students will continue to experiment with performance technique, with an increased focus on theory and theatre practice. Students in Workshop Theatre II will develop and perform original works and will, as appropriate, serve as mentors for students in Workshop Theatre. Like Workshop Theatre I, this course culminates with a Showcase performance.

Workshop Theatre III

0.5 credit — Grades 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 semester)

Prerequisite: Workshop Theatre I and II, permission (Repeatable)

Students interested in advanced theatre studies may enroll in Workshop Theatre III - a student-driven study focused on Creating, Producing/Performing and Responding/Reflecting. Course content will be collaboratively determined by advanced theatre students and the instructor to address unique areas of interest (performance, design, dramaturgy, etc.) as well as by the call for purposeful engagement as a mentor for level 1 and 2 students. Heavy emphasis will be placed on research, application and instruction so that the Workshop Theatre III students have a full range of experiences to complement and expand fluency with performative principles.

Theatre Production

0.5 credit — Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 semester)

Theatre Production focuses on the design, directorial, and artistic elements of theatre. Students in this class have an extended opportunity to engage in script analysis. The course will be organized as a production company centered initially around one common text for which students develop various design schemes. Students will then be challenged to focus on a specific area of design using various scripts. The members of the Theatre Production class will participate in actual UACT productions when possible.

THEA 1100 Introduction to Theatre

1 credit — Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 semester)

Lecture: 5 hours

Prerequisite: ENGL 1100 passed

Lab fee: $5

The course is designed to help students bring critical thinking skills into their experience as theatergoers. Students will be introduced to the theatre arts - acting, directing, and design. Students will survey the history of Western theatre, focusing on the art as a reflection of society’s changing social and cultural values. Plays representing several genres and historical periods will be read and discussed. Writing assignments include critical reviews of plays attended.

This course is available as part of the College Credit Plus program. Students will earn three semester hours of credit from Columbus State Community College.