
The UAHS Science Department strongly encourages all students to take four years of science. Students who are considering highly competitive colleges and universities or are considering majoring in science are encouraged to take Honors, AP, or IB science classes. It is also highly recommended that these students take at least one course each of biology, chemistry, and physics.

Physical Science - Regular

1 credit — Grade 9

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisite: Completed Mathematics 8

Fee: $15

Physical Science is the introductory course in the High School science program and is strongly encouraged for all students prior to enrolling in any other science course. Students enrolled in Physical Science will explore themes related to matter, energy, and the universe. Physics topics covered include mechanics, kinematics, heat, energy, electricity, and waves. Chemistry topics covered include atomic structure, physical and chemical properties/changes, classification of matter, bonding, nomenclature, conservation of mass and matter, and nuclear properties/changes. Universe concepts include galaxy and star formation, stellar evolution, and the Big Bang Theory. Due to the emphasis on different math skills in the two levels of physical science, a math prerequisite applies to these classes.

This course is intended for the student who is interested in a general treatment of physical science processes and concepts. The course is activity oriented, allowing for student involvement in exercises that will increase scientific knowledge and learning skills. The student must often perform laboratory experiments, interpret information, explain experimental evidence, and graph or tabulate data.

Physical Science - Honors

1 credit — Grade 9

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Fee: $15

Prerequisite: It is highly recommended that students have completed Algebra 1 or Mathematics 8/Algebra 1 hybrid course.

Physical Science is the introductory course in the High School science program and is strongly encouraged for all students prior to enrolling in any other science course. Students enrolled in Physical Science will explore themes related to matter, energy, and the universe. Physics topics covered include mechanics, kinematics, heat, energy, electricity, and waves. Chemistry topics covered include atomic structure, physical and chemical properties/changes, classification of matter, bonding, nomenclature, conservation of mass and matter, and nuclear properties/changes. Universe concepts include galaxy and star formation, stellar evolution, and the Big Bang Theory. Due to the emphasis on different math skills in the two levels of physical science, a math prerequisite applies to these classes.

This course is intended for the student who is science-oriented and interested in an in-depth, mathematical treatment of physical science concepts. The course is activity-based and is taught using a laboratory approach that requires the interpretation and communication of information using data and analysis. Most labs are inquiry-based and/or require the student to problem-solve and think critically about their experimental design. There is also an emphasis on using mathematical relationships to illustrate and clarify the concepts taught. Students selecting this course should have strong mathematical skills related to graphing, solving algebraic equations, and identifying mathematical relationships.


1 credit — Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Fee: $15

Biology is the study of life. Students enrolled in any of the biology courses will, unless otherwise noted, explore the following topics: Nature of Science, Organization of Life, Chemistry of Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Inheritance, Evolution and Cladistics.

Emphasis in this course will be placed on introduction of biological concepts and further exploration through lab work. Students will be expected to work with partners, in groups, and independently while exploring these ideas. Concepts will be explored through demonstrations, lab work, discussions, visual aids, group work, and lecture. Students are expected to keep current with frequent homework and lab write-ups outside of class.

Biology - Honors

1 credit — Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Fee: $15

Biology is the study of life. Students enrolled in any of the biology courses will, unless otherwise noted, explore the following topics: Nature of Science, Organization of Life, Chemistry of Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Inheritance, Evolution and Cladistics.

This course is intended for the student who is science oriented and interested in a treatment of scientific concepts in depth. Students are expected to function productively in an independent manner as well as in small laboratory groups applying the processes of science. Concepts and content covered are similar to Biology, however, they are covered at a faster pace and with significantly more detail and depth.


Credit: 0.5 credit - Grades 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 semester)

Prerequisite: Completion of any Biology course.

Fee: $15

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

The objectives of the course are to furnish the student about their own body systems that will aid in daily life, to make them a more efficient and responsible individual, and to serve as a means for furthering professional training. These objectives will be accomplished through a development of each of the systems of the body and related problems associated with them. The class work will be supplemented with laboratory exercises dealing with basic experiments in physiology and with the use of resource materials and personnel.

IB Sports, Exercise, and Health Science HL (Year 1 & 2)

1 credit - Grade 11 Year 1

1 credit - Grade 12 Year 2

Prerequisites: Biology or Biology Honors

(1 period per day for 2 years)

Fee: $25

IB Fees: The approximate cost for a single IB course is $120.00.

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

Click here for more information about IB Sports, Exercise, and Health Science HL

Sports, Exercise, and Health Science HL is a two year course that incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology biomechanics, psychology and nutrition, which are studied in the context of sports, exercise and health. Students cover a range of core and option topics, and carry out practical (experimental) investigations in both laboratory and field settings. SEHS will provide an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary to apply scientific principles and critically analyze human performance. Where relevant, the course will address issues of international dimension and ethics by considering sports, exercise and health relative to the individual and in a global context. SEHS is a good preparation for courses in higher or further education related to sports fitness and health, and serves as useful preparation for employment in sports and leisure industries.

All students enrolled in IB Courses are required to take all IB Internal and External assessments. In October of the final year of the course, students will be required to pay IB fees. See here.

AP Biology

1 credit — Grades 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisites: Completion of Biology or Honors Biology and completion or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry or AP Chemistry.

Fee: $25

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

The AP Biology course is designed to meet the objectives related to the concepts and processes in an introductory college level biology course. Therefore, the course is designed to provide knowledge of the facts, principles, and processes of biology; understanding of the means by which biological information is collected, and how it is interpreted; and how one formulates hypotheses that may be statistically analyzed. Content includes topics from the areas of molecular and cellular biology, and plant and animal anatomy and physiology. Students enrolling in this course should be willing to do extensive additional work on their own and to take the Advanced Placement test in biology in May.

Environmental Science

1 credit—Grades 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisites: Biology

Fee: $15

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

Environmental science classes will focus on human interactions with their environment. Specific topics may vary depending on the course but will include ecology, resource (water, soil, etc.) management and waste management.

This course is designed for those students who wish to broaden their science knowledge about concepts related to the environment. The course will cover topics including water, populations, the atmosphere, soil, ecology, waste management, and environmental policy. The course is laboratory intensive and includes visits to accessible sites for fieldwork, and site visits to reinforce classroom topics. The course is more qualitative than quantitative, so that proficiency in arithmetic and algebra will be sufficient for success. Daily assignments are taken from the text and from other supplemental materials.

AP Environmental Systems

1 credit—Grades 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Supplemental Workbook-APES Course Review

Prerequisites: Completion of Biology and (completion or concurrent enrollment in Chemistry or Honors Chemistry is highly recommended)

Fee: $25

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

Environmental System classes will focus on human interactions with their environment. Specific topics may vary depending on the course but will include ecology, resource (water, soil, etc.) management and waste management.

The APES course is designed to meet the objectives related to the concepts and processes in an introductory college level environment science course. This course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Topics include ecological systems, resource exploitation and pollution management. Students will need to be proficient in algebra to analyze data. Students enrolling in this course will be required to do extensive additional work on their own and to take the Advanced Placement test in Environmental Systems in May.

IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL

1 credit—Grades 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisites: Biology and

(completion or concurrent enrollment in

Chemistry or Honors Chemistry is highly recommended)

Fee: $25

IB Fees: The approximate cost for a single IB course is approximately $120

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

Environmental science classes will focus on human interactions with their environment. Specific topics may vary depending on the course but will include ecology, resource (water, soil, etc.) management and waste management.

IB Environmental Systems is a Standard Level IB offering and fulfills either a Group III or Group IV requirement for the IB Diploma Program. The course will be taught with the rigor and demands of a first year college environmental science course. The course will provide students with a comprehensive, scientific perspective on the environment. Opportunities to gather empirical, quantitative, and objective data to describe and analyze environmental systems will be provided through lab and field experiences. Cultural and political global perspectives will be examined as issues are discussed. Course content will include ecological systems, resource exploitation and pollution management. Students will need to be proficient in algebra to analyze data. Students may not enroll in IB Environmental Systems if they have already completed Environmental Science, except with permission from the department and IB Coordinator.

All students enrolled in IB Courses are required to take all IB Internal and External assessments. In October of the final year of the course, students will be required to pay IB fees. See here.


1 credit — Grades 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 1 & Physical Science

Fee: $15

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

In any chemistry class, students will explore the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. As with all of the sciences, all chemistry is lab-based.

This college preparatory course is designed for the student who may or may not intend to major in science or engineering in college. Since the fundamental principles of chemical science will be developed more qualitatively than in Honors Chemistry, proficiency in arithmetic and algebra are necessary. Emphasis is on current topics, forensics, and the descriptive aspects of chemistry to make it applicable to daily living and students’ future vocations. Approximately one half of the course is laboratory work of both a qualitative and quantitative nature and involves problem solving. Daily assignments are given both from the textbook and from lab assignments.

Honors Chemistry

1 credit — Grades 10, 11, 12

(7 periods per week for 1 year)

Prerequisite: Completion of Algebra 1 & Physical Science

Fee: $15

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

In any chemistry class, students will explore the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. As with all of the sciences, all chemistry is lab-based.

This course, a precursor to Advanced Placement Chemistry, is designed to meet the needs of the student who is science-oriented and who is looking forward to majoring in a scientific discipline (physics, chemistry, medicine, or engineering) in college. The fundamental principles and concepts included in this course of study are: matter classification, reactions and equations, mass relationships, solutions, bonding, thermochemistry, equilibrium and acid-base chemistry. Students should show comfort with written and verbal communication as well as a willingness to pursue problems in an independent and creative manner. Laboratory work will be quantitative in character, thus the student lacking mathematical aptitude will be at a disadvantage. The student taking Chemistry—Honors should be taking Advanced Algebra concurrently or have completed the course. Approximately four hours of laboratory work per week is an integral part of the course. To provide sufficient time for more advanced laboratory activities, Chemistry—Honors meets two consecutive periods twice a week in addition to three one-period meetings.

Materials Science

1 credit — Grades 11, 12

Prerequisites: completion of two previous science classes

Fee: $25 per year

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

This year-long, advanced science course focuses on the properties, interactions, and applications of solid materials, including crystal structures, metals, ceramics/glass, polymers, and composites. Each topic relies heavily on laboratory-based work, emphasizing engineering concepts and real-world connections. Students are graded on lab work and assessments (tests/quizzes), as well as homework and occasional projects. This is an intensive hands-on laboratory course with more qualitative work than other offered advanced science courses, and is meant to challenge and excite students with all science backgrounds and interests.

To be successful in this course, students should have successfully completed two science credits.

Honors Organic Chemistry

0.5 credit — Grades 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 semester)

Prerequisites: Chemistry or Honors Chemistry and Algebra 1

Fee: $20

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

In any chemistry class, students will explore the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. As with all of the sciences, all chemistry is lab-based.

Organic Chemistry is a course designed to help the student integrate their knowledge of chemistry and biology through a study of carbon based chemistry. This approach will aid the student in understanding some of the relationships between these two fields and will better prepare the student for vocational decisions in the areas of medicine, chemistry, and biochemistry. Students must have completed a chemistry course and, at least, Algebra I. This course has a strong emphasis on laboratory work, with approximately half of the class time spent in the lab.

AP Chemistry

1 credit — Grades 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisite: Completion of Honors

Chemistry or completion of Chemistry

Fee: $25

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

In any chemistry class, students will explore the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. As with all of the sciences, all chemistry is lab-based.

The AP Chemistry course is designed to meet the objectives related to the concepts and processes in an introductory college level chemistry course. Therefore, the course is designed to provide a depth of understanding of chemistry fundamentals and competence in dealing with chemical problems. The course contributes to the development of the students’ abilities to think clearly and to express their ideas, orally and in writing, with clarity and logic. Content includes topics from the areas of the structure of matter, kinetic theory, chemical equilibria, chemical kinetics, and thermodynamics. Students enrolling in this course should be willing to do extensive additional work on their own and to take the Advanced Placement test in chemistry in May.


1 credit — Grades 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisites: Geometry

Fee: $15 (Additional fee of $30 for work book)

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

Physics assumes a background in both mathematics and science. Key physical principles and concepts will be presented and analyzed. Class time will be spent investigating the fundamentals of physics, and laboratory work will emphasize the use of technological and practical materials and the physical laws that govern them. Instruction in this class will emphasize concrete examples and demonstrations. This is a general physics class taken by most students in a college preparatory program.

IB Physics HL Yr1 & Yr2

1 credit per year (weighted) Grades 11, 12

(1 period per day for 2 years)

Prerequisite: concurrent Algebra 2 or higher

Fee: $25

Workbook Fee: $30

IB Fees: The approximate cost for a single IB course is approximately $120

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

The IB Physics HL course is designed to give students a broad understanding of physics in the same way that an introductory college level physics course would. During HL Year 1, the primary emphasis is on measurements & uncertainties, mechanics, and simple circuits, and is co-seated with AP Physics 1.

During HL Year 2, the course will cover thermal physics, waves, electricity & magnetism, circular motion & gravitation, atomic, nuclear and particle physics, and energy production. Additionally, one more area of study shall be investigated from the choices of: relativity, engineering physics, imaging, or astrophysics. The internal assessment and group 4 project will be during year 2.

This course can be used to fulfill a requirement for the International Baccalaureate Diploma program. Problem solving and laboratory experience are emphasized. A knowledge of algebra and basic trigonometry is required for the course. Students enrolling in this course should be willing to do extensive additional work on their own.

All students enrolled in IB courses are required to take all IB Internal and External assessments. In October of the final year of the course, students will be required to pay IB fees that cover the cost of registration with the IBO, internal curriculum and examination development, Internal and External assessments, and examination fees. For more on the cost of the IB program, see here.

AP Physics 1

AP Physics 1

1 credit (weighted) - Grades 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisite: concurrent Algebra 2 or higher

Fee $25

Workbook Fee: $30

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

More info:

AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of Physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore topics such as Newtonian mechanics (including rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits.

AP Physics 1 can be taken as a second year physics course.

AP Physics - C: Mechanics

1 credit — Grades 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in Calculus, OR completion of Algebra II, IB Math Yr 1 or Precalculus, OR teacher recommendation.

Fee: $25

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

The AP Physics C course focuses on the AP Physics Mechanics test and covers the concepts and processes in an introductory college level physics course. The course provides a systematic introduction to the main principles of physics and emphasizes the development of problem-solving ability. After preparation for this test completes, students will engage in extended project work that provides the opportunity to apply physics concepts in substantial depth.

Strong mathematical skills are required in algebra and basic trigonometry. Additionally, as basic calculus will be used throughout the course, students benefit from being concurrently enrolled in a calculus class, although it is possible to be successful in the class without concurrent enrollment in calculus if a student is willing to do the extra work necessary to master the calculus needed..

As college credit may be awarded for testing well on the AP Physics C tests, students enrolling in this course should be willing to do extensive additional work on their own and to take the Advanced Placement Physics exam in May. AP Physics C students are expected to complete a summer assignment.

Science of Robotics

1 credit — Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

(1 period per day for 1 year)

Fee: $50

Students with a passion for robotics will work in teams to engage in creative problem-solving as they design and build robots that will compete in regional robotics competitions. This is a repeatable, multi-age course in which students will work in a variety of roles, including multiple leadership opportunities. The three main strands in the course are: project work, elementary/middle school outreach, and the ethical considerations of technology. The three themes of interpersonal skills, entrepreneurship, and safety are emphasized year-round.

There will be significant out-of-class work involved, and depending upon the projects a student chooses to pursue, a considerable portion of this work may need to be completed in a setting where the necessary tools are available. This often means time after school in the robotics room, although other options can be arranged to allow for participation in sports and other activities. There is a summer obligation where much of the safety and basic skills training for the course will take place. Scheduling for these summer activities will be flexible to allow for students participating in sports, clubs, or family activities to meet the obligations of the class.

Interested students will be required to attend an informational meeting and to complete a questionnaire to assure a full understanding of the obligations and responsibilities associated with the class.

Honors Science Research - Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4

.5 credit (Honors Weighted)

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

First Year Students will meet with the Science Research director two days per week during their regularly scheduled lunch period . Second, Third, or Fourth Year Students will meet with the Science Research director one day per week during their regularly scheduled lunch period. In order for a student to attain credit, he/ she must complete a research project that demonstrates an understanding of the nature of science and the ability to apply processes and concepts of science in the definition and solution of a significant scientific problem. This will be a two- stage process guided by the Honors director through the use of an Honors Research learning contract. The first stage will involve the completion of a feasibility study that entails the identification of the problem, variables related to the problem, available resources, and the appropriate form or mechanism for resolution of the problem (i.e., scientific paper, engineering project and analysis, laboratory research and analysis). The second phase of the project embodies its successful completion and the presentation of the work in two appropriate forums (e.g., local science fair, Columbus Technical Council, Westinghouse Talent Search, Ohio Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Science Service affiliated science fairs, Ohio Academy of District Science Day, Ohio Academy of State Science Day). Note that UAHS does not have control of any of the fair dates except for the local fair. Historically, some of these fairs have taken place during Spring Break.

Chem 1111 Elementary Chemistry 1

1 credit — Grades 11, 12

Prerequisites: Placement into ENGL 1100, MATH 1020 or higher

Fee: $25

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

This is an introductory course in fundamental chemical concepts and laboratory techniques. Topics include atomic structure, periodic classification of elements, stoichiometry, solutions, acids and bases, pH and buffers, the gas laws, chemical equilibrium, and nuclear chemistry.

This course is considered for College Credit Plus.

PHYS 1200 Algebra - Based Physics I

1 credit — Grades 11, 12

Prerequisites: Placement into ENGL1100, MATH 1148 OR Math 113 or higher 18

Fee: $25

This course qualifies as an advance science credit for the Ohio Honors Diploma and for the Ohio STEM Diploma.

This is a laboratory course in classical mechanics (kinematics, Newton’s laws, gravitation, energy, momentum, rotational motion, and angular momentum) as well as fluids, harmonic motion, waves, and sound.

This course is considered for College Credit Plus.